Series 27 of Made in Chelsea has a lot to live up to because series 26 will likely go down in history as one of the best series of Made in Chelsea in recent years, especially because of an unexpected pairing that occurred between Olivia Bentley and David 'Temps' Templer. In fact, the status of their relationship was the question on everyone's lips last year: 'Are Olivia Bentley And Temps together?'
Now, Temps has had a rough old time on the Made in Chelsea. He was brought on in series 25 as Miles Nazaire's loyal companion and he hasn't had an easy time on the dating scene.

Most notably, he dated Imogen Bloom while she was in an entanglement with Harvey Armstrong and it all ended in tears. Despite moving at 100mph with David 'Temps' Templer, Imogen still had feelings for Harvey (and said so) and it resulted in lots of arguments and more than a few awkward conversations between Harvey and Temps.
When their relationship finally came to an end during the summer series in Corsica, it meant David 'Temps' Templer was back on the market. Cue a budding flirtation between him and the also newly single Olivia Bentley.
However, things weren't meant to be and after more tears on Temps' part, the pair were over before they'd even begun.
But, as the pair headed to Australia for Made in Chelsea: Sydney, fans questioned if the duo were really over after seeing their ridiculously flirty natures and all of the cosy Instagram pics that they've shared.
So, are Liv Bentley And Temps back together?
Sadly it's looking like a no. In fact, despite all of the cosy Instagram pictures whilst they were out in Sydney, Temps and Liv don't appear to have interacted that much since their return. Maybe their relationship breakdown (as well as the awkwardness between Olivia and her other ex Tristan Phipps) played a role in Liv's decision to take a break from Made in Chelsea...
Fans initially caught wind of Temps and Liv's budding romance whilst series 26 of Made in Chelsea was filming, with rumours of their new relationship causing a stir on TikTok when one user claimed she was sent photos of Olivia Bentley and David 'Temps' Templer kissing in Fulham by one of her followers and posted a video about it.
Things weren't meant to be however, and by the time they were filming Made in Chelsea: Sydney, the pair had ended things and Olivia made the most of Australia's offerings (meaning the ridiculously attractive men that seem to frequent Sydney's beaches), going on a date with newbie Lachlan Mclean - and sharing a passionate smooch with him we should add.

So, despite all the hype surrounding Olivia Bentley and David 'Temps' Templer's relationship, it seems like they weren't meant to last. That does mean that Temps and Liv's ex Tristan Phipps are back to being pals though which can only be a good thing.