Made In Chelsea: Are We Witnessing The Start of Miles’ Redemption Arc?

Miles is defending Emily - much to viewers' delight

Miles MIC

by Aaliyah Harry |
Updated on

Last night on Made in Chelsea we picked up where we left off – right in the thick of the drama. This week we saw a Miles Nazaire/ Harvey Armstrong /Emily Blackwell showdown andOlivia Bentley making the biggest U-turn on earth by confessing her love for Tristan Phipps (meanwhile fans want her to be with Inga Valentier) Finally, we witnessed Reza Amiri-Garrousi saying the most iconic line to describe heartbreak. It went something like … ‘My heart was made into beef carpaccio’ – is that not just the most Chelsea thing you’ve EVER heard?

And in an unusual turn of events – everyone is supporting Miles for once, hinting that we could be at the start of a reality redemption arc. While Emily was understandably upset about the constant fractures in her relationship with Harvey it was Miles who was on hand to be a supportive mate, listen to her worries and offer some advice.

Miles reassured Emily, telling her, ‘All you’re asking for is a little bit of maturity when it comes to being a partner – it’s just like grow up a little bit now.’ Miles reminded her, ‘You’ve got to know your worth and how amazing you are. I don’t want you to second gauss yourself or doubt yourself.' He concluded, ‘You are amazing, and he needs to know that – he’s being an idiot.'

When Harvey heard about their get together, unsurprisingly he was not best pleased (after all, Miles is MIC's biggest ladies man AND there had been rumblings he had feelings for Emily). But Miles didn’t budge, even when Harvey reminded him about his ‘track record’.

Are we watching Miles grow up before our eyes? Remember that we have already seen him turn down his human cryptonite Maeva after she threw herself at him. However, Miles stood his ground and realised that he was being strung along. He concluded that actually, he’s worth more.

Some fans still aren't convinced that this Miles has truly changed his spots, and are questioning whether this is all a cynical act to get closer to Emily romantically. In aYouTubevideo they did admit they had kissed previously but were both grossed out and decided they were better as mates. Could that all be set to change, though? This is Made in Chelsea, after all.

READ MORE: Made In Chelsea: Why Maeva Is Reality TV Gold

READ MORE:Made in Chelsea: Emily Is Not Overreacting, Harvey Is Gaslighting Her

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