Made In Chelsea: Maeva’s Most Explosive Showdowns

The feisty Frenchwoman always delivers the drama goods…

Maeva D'Ascanio

by Millie Payne |
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It’s hard to believe that Maeva D'Ascaniomade her Made in Chelsea debut a mere three years ago. A firm-favourite with her no-nonsense attitude, the feisty Frenchwoman can always be relied on when it comes to explosive scenes, drama-fuelled storylines and delivering one-liners that will go down in reality TV history.

She might be engaged to long-term partner and co-star James Taylor - and heavily pregnant with their first child - but it has not toned down her Made in Chelsea appearances, nor her ability to find herself at the core of the drama.

With the E4 reality show back on our screens last night, at a slightly later time of 9.15pm, viewers were not disappointed as they tuned in to watch their favourite west Londoners doing what they do best – gossiping and feuding.

And the first episode saw Maeva clash with ex-boyfriend Miles Nazaire’s new – and short-lived – love interest Issy Francis-Baum, and later on, former friend Olivia Bentley. We didn’t expect anything less.

So, as we prepare for more addictive drama in series 24, Grazia has taken a look at some of the most iconic Maeva showdowns.

1. 'You know f*ck all'

Always one to defend herself, Maeva confronted Sophie Hermann after she had accused her of flirting with Miles whilst she was with now-fiancé James. Sophie said that she knew what Maeva and Miles had been talking about, because she understood French (which Miles is fluent in and was a shared passion in his relationship with Maeva). Maeva retaliated with, ‘You know f*ck all’, while Sophie said, ‘Stop spitting on my mink’.

2. Bottoms up!

Our Maeva is partial to drink throwing. When Sam Prince advised James that marrying her would be a mistake, Maeva was less than impressed and asked to meet him to discuss (diplomatically, of course). The conversation ended with Maeva throwing insults such as ‘you’re a piece of ‘s**t’ - and Sam drenched in his drink.

During her early appearances on the show, Maeva’s relationship with Miles was regularly laid bare. He was also the victim of her relentless drink-throwing after she had found out he had been sleeping with other girls and she told him, with a confident arm, ‘go to hell’.

3. 'You're full of bulls**t'

For avid MIC fans, you’ll know full well that James and Maeva have had their fair share of trials and tribulations. Engaging in a deep conversation about their relationship since moving in with one another, Maeva erupted at James when he appeared to reflect on life as a ‘single guy’. ‘You’re full of bulls**t,’ she cried over lunch.

4. 'You're a viper'

Maeva saw red when she deemed Verity Bowditch – James’ ex – to be getting too close to him. A heated spat in a bar saw her brand Verity a ‘viper’. Ouch.

5. 'I can't stand you'

It was Eliza Batten – a then Durham uni student – that was on the receiving end of Maeva’s sharp tongue this time. Eliza appeared to want to interview Maeva for a dissertation on feminisim, but when push came to shove, Maeva answered her questions with some of her own. ‘Why do you talk about me behind my back?’ ‘When I see you, I can’t stand you – why did you come, I’m not your friend, I don’t care about your interview.’

6. 'You're so fake'

Maeva’s anger reduced her to tears on this occasion, as her roommate Rosi Mai explained her intention to move in with Verity. The betrayal of girl code saw Maeva rage, ‘You’re so fake.’

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