How Has Sam Prince Managed To Become The ‘Mature One’ On MIC?

It’s a surprising turn of events but hopefully a long-lasting one

Sam Prince Made in Chelsea

by Daisy Hall |
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Just weeks ago, Made In Chelsea viewers were condemning his behaviour towards on/off girlfriend Inga Valentiner but now somehow, Sam Prince is mediating the friendship breakdown between James Taylor and Tristan Phipps. And he’s doing surprisingly well…

In case you’ve been living under a rock bigger than the whole of Chelsea, after seven years, James and Tristan’s friendship has come to an end. It started when Maeva D’Ascanio made some very Maeva comments about how the two had never really been pals to begin with, much to Tristan's surprise. As is the Chelsea way, it ended all out row between where James told Tristan that despite planning James' stag-do together, he never actually intended on inviting him to it.

And as usual, Sam Prince was inserted into the middle of all the drama, only this time for a positive reason.

Being friends with both sides of the argument, Sam served as negotiator during their discussions – which he initiated in order to get the pair to talk face to face – and managed to avoid picking a side, something usually unheard of in the borough of Chelsea.

When the argument was then brought up later, Sam also refrained from any bitchiness and even kept his mouth shut as people tried to get him involved. Shocking, we know.

Could you ever have imagined this last series, when Sam took down Julius Cowdrey saying, 'You're a life coach, you chat bollocks on social media, you can’t even fucking sing'? It wasn't exactly mature, but it was pretty accurate according to fans.

One took to Twitter to comment, 'Honestly lovely the work of Sam Prince. Superb takedown of Julius Cowdrey, the narcissistic weasel' whilst another suggested that Sam Prince be re-named 'Sam King'. 'Sam Prince is just acting and saying what we all think, let's be real... Sam King more like,' they tweeted.

Other Made in Chelsea viewers have been less forgiving of Sam's previous behaviours and aren't quite ready to forgive his treatment of Inga and Verity Bowditch saying, 'Sam Prince acting like the super guy. Now sir, we didn't forget those last series when you were a douchebag yourself.'

Of course, how much of his good or bad beahviour is actually down to Sam himself versus how much producers encourage is up for debate, but this is definitely a side of Sam Prince that we’re enjoying getting to see. Long may it continue.

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