All The Love Is Blind Couples Have The Ick Already – And It’s TV Gold

We're still yet to understand how the singing in the pods hasn't given any of them the ick...

love is blind

by Aaliyah Harry |
Published on


If you haven't watched the new season of Love Is Blind yet - this is your notice to do so. It is perhaps the most chaotic season yet and we are hooked. There have been a lot of history making moments already; from Tiffany snoozing during Brett's declaration of love, to Irina and Zack's overly honest breakup chat. But the main thing we've noticed this season? The 'ick' is spreading through the couples, fast.

The 'ick’ is something you might have experienced within a relationship without even realising it. You might not even be able to pinpoint when or why it happened but once it arrives - it’s an impossible feeling to shake. The ick is when you feel suddenly repulsed or put off by the person you’re dating. It is a very personal thing and not everybody’s 'ick’ is the same. It could be down to their mannerisms or something as simple as the way they laugh. We're still yet to understand how all the singing in the pods hasn't given any of them the ick - keeping a straight face during those moments was truly award worthy.

They're not keeping it a secret either. Irinatold Zack that merely by touching her, he gave her the ick. Harsh? Yes. Good TV? Also, yes. For the first year ever we have a string of engaged couples who may never walk down the aisle at all - and they're not hiding it either. In the past, we've had couples who stuck it out seemingly for the sake of the show (or perhaps for a couple more minutes of screen time). Long-time fans of Love Is Blind will remember the first season where JessicaBatten strung along Marc Cuevasfor an eternity, despite clearly having feelings for Mathew Barnett.There are countless other examples over the years but this season the couples are taking no prisoners, and it's glorious to watch.

From Paul and and Micah to Kwame and Chelsea, the soon-to-be husband and wives are finding it hard to even pretend to be into their relationships. Whilst Irina's behaviour is not something we condone, we can't deny that we couldn't tear our eyes off the screen during her breakup scene with Zack. It was comical how they both tried to out do their burning hatred for each other. It was also perhaps the only moment where they genuinely agreed on something. Their 'relationship' was way past saving - they barely made it to the airport, let alone to the altar.

Viewers can clearly see that Kwame's behaviour is also giving Chelsea the ick, and we can understand why. During the pool party scene he was practically drooling over Micah whilst Chelsea was a mere few meters away. Kwame consistently put Micah's feelings above his fiancé's and it was nothing but disrespectful.

Jackie and Marshall so far are also on thin ice. Many viewers can tell Marshall is not her usual type and we can already see the distance between them forming.

For the first time, I can't predict what the couples are going to say at the altar, but I think it's safe to say that a lot of these couples won't be saying 'I do'... when the next three episodes drop on April 7th.

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