Made In Chelsea’s Sam And Inga Reunite

And apparently it’s thanks to Maeva…

Made in Chelsea Sam and Inga

by Daisy Hall |
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Their relationship has been at the centre of a lot of the drama unfolding on the current series of Made in Chelsea, but now it seems that Sam Prince and Inga Valentiner have finally managed to navigate all the nastiness and are officially back together.

They split up on the show earlier this year and have since then kissed (or in Sam’s case slept with) a few other people - including Harvey Armstrong for Inga - before realising that nothing could replace what they have with each other.

Speaking to OK! Sam explained, “We could spend every second of every day with each other. When we broke up, it was so difficult because I tried to move on and so did Inga, but nothing could really replace that.”

And to give credit where credit is due, it turns out that Maeva D’Ascanio played Cupid and was the driving factor in the couple getting back together.

Sam realised that it may come as a bit of a surprise to fans saying, “Maeva has been a massive help with getting our relationship back on track. It’s crazy as this time last year, Maeva and I were head-to-head."

He continued, "We’ve had lots of rows that people have seen but it’s amazing, because in Majorca it let me spend some time with her and realise how lovely she is and how caring she has been to me and to Inga and helping us get back together."

Hopefully we’ll get to see their reunion play out on this series of Made in Chelsea because currently Sam is in the doghouse for not admitting that he slept with multiple girls during their break-up…

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