On this year’s Love Island, producers are being called out more than ever. From manipulating contestants to re-shooting of key scenes, the reality tv show has faced a barrage of suspicionregarding how real it actually is. Most recently, viewers are calling out the show for choosing not to air scenes of fan favourite Samira Mighty and her now-boyfriend Frankie Foster. (Yes, that’s right, they’re official now).
According to Frankie Foster, his and Samira’s relationship ‘didn’t get as much air time as [it] deserved’. And one key scene in particular that was edited out? Their night in the hideaway.
He told The Mirror, ‘It’s weird for me because obviously it’s a big thing for everyone in the villa. Everyone was cheering us into the hideaway, everyone was happy for us…but yeah it didn’t get shown for one reason or another.’
The revelation has caused outrage amongst viewers, many of whom were not aware how invested Samira was in her relationship until she burst into tears when he was voted out.
While the couple survived the ghastly edit and have since become OFFICIALLY BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND (we’re not crying, you’re crying), that hasn’t stopped fans asking why exactly Samira’s relationship was edited out of the show, when she had spent the longest amount of time on the show looking for love. And it’s not just her relationship that was edited out, as when her best bits were shown on Love Island Aftersun, they appeared to feature a series of scenes never shown on the actual show.
While Love Island bosses are yet to comment on their decision to edit Samira’s scenes out of the show, a source close to the show told The Mirror that not even the crew are aware of the reason why. ‘I know producers don't always show what goes on in the Hideaway, but no-one's been told why Samira and Frankie's session wasn't broadcast,’ the source said.
Despite choosing not to show her relationship with Frankie, the ITV2 show is now fully capitalising on the attention the pair are currently receiving. Not only did they film Frankie waiting for Samira at Gatwick Airport, in another scene that has been accused of being staged, but Frankie himself confirmed that the couple have gotten more attention from the show now than they ever had in the villa. He told The Sun, ’I’ve actually got more air time since leaving the villa.’
And while the pair are seemingly happy going on living their blissfully in love lives, viewers are still concerned with just how biased the series editing and producing have come across this series...
Want to keep up with the Love Island stars after they leave the villa? Check out their Instagram handles here...
Love Island 2018 Instagram names (slider -radio)

Adam Collard
Adam is a 22-year-old personal trainer and gym director from Newcastle.Instagram: adamcollard

Dani Dyer
Dani is a 21-year-old barmaid from East London.Instagram: danidyerxx

Dr. Alex George
Dr Alex is a 27-year-old A&E doctor from Carmarthen, West Wales.Instagram: adlgeorge1

Eyal Booker
Eyal is a 22-year-old model from London.Instagram: eyalbooker

Hayley Hughes
Hayley is a 21-year-old model from Liverpool.Instagram: hayleyhughes.xx

Jack Fincham
Jack is a 26-year-old stationery sales manager from Kent.Instagram: jack_charlesf

Kendall Rae-Knight
Kendall is a 26-year-old retail manager from Blackpool.Instagram: kendallraeknight

Laura Anderson
Laura is a 29-year-old cabin crew member from Stirling, Scotland.Instagram: lauraanderson1x

Niall Aslam
Niall is a 23-year-old student and construction worker from Coventry.Instagram: niallaslam

Samira Mighty
Samira is a 22-year-old West End performer from London.Instagram: samiramighty

Wes Nelson
Wes is a 20-year-old electrical and nuclear systems design engineer from Staffordshire.Instagram: wes.nelson