Absolutely Everything You Need To Know About Owen Cooper, The Star Of Netflix’s Adolescence

He's an up and coming star...


by Alice Hall |
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There's nothing like a new Netflix hit to get the internet talking. The latest show to take the streaming platform by storm is Adolescence, a chilling series which follows a family after their 13-year-old son is accused of murder.

With a star-studded cast that includes Ashley Walters (Top Boy), Erin Doherty (The Crown), Owen Cooper, and Stephen Graham , the show also doesn't shy away from heavy-hitting topics such as incel culture, misogyny and the online 'manosphere.'

Adolescence is so topical that Graham, who co-wrote the show, has issued a warning to parents about the dangers of the internet. 'It's just being mindful of the fact that not only we parent our children, and not only the school educates our children,' he told The Independent. 'But also there's influences that we have no idea of that are having profound effects on our young culture, profound effects, positive and extremely negative. So it’s having a look at that and seeing that we’re all accountable.'

Owen Cooper plays Jamie Miller, the 13-year-old boy at the centre of the drama. And while you might not have heard of Owen, his performance in Adolescence has cemented him as an up and coming star who is certainly one to watch in the future.

Who is Owen Cooper?

Owen Cooper is an actor who is best known for his role as Jamie Miller in Adolescence. Cooper is a student, and has been training with The Drama Mob theatre group for the past two years. It might be hard to believe, but Adolescence is actually Cooper's first acting role. In an interview with Netflix's Tudum, Graham explains how Cooper impressed him during their first improvisation. 'When he left the room, I turned around to Phil and Jack and said, "I think that's him,"' he says.

Jack Thorne, who co-wrote the show with Graham, said he was impressed by Cooper’s 'real simplicity' as a performer. 'He wasn’t acting. Owen was working out his own way through it,' he says. 'But it felt like that capability was in him right from the start. Owen just needed to work out how to harness that monster inside of Jamie. And then once he harnessed that monster, there was no stopping him.'

How old is Owen Cooper?

Owen Cooper is 15-years-old, but he filmed Adolescence when he was 14 - making his incredible acting skills even more impressive.

Does Owen Cooper have siblings?

Yes. Owen has two older brothers - Ollie who is 20 and Connor who is 30.

What has Owen Cooper said about Adolescence?

Adolescence is told in real-time, using a one shot method to film the action as it happens. The hard-hitting series follows Jamie's journey through the justice system while his family deals with the repercussions at home.

The shot was filmed in Yorkshire, and Owen previously said that the location was one of the aspects he found most relatable to his home life. 'The fact that the story was set in the North and it’s a Northern story was the thing that I found most relatable, because I’m also from the North,' he said. 'That side of it felt very real to me.'

He explained that his parents were on set with him throughout filming. 'They would swap over sometimes because at the time my mum had an operation so she had to stay home for most of episode three. So my dad would come. And he'd have cans (headphones) on in the back watching it and I'd always go up to him afterwards. So, yeah, my dad would be there most of the time.'

Speaking to Variety, Cooper said it was 'weird' but 'also amazing' to watch himself on the show. ''Everyone’s been saying such nice things [about my performance],' he said. 'I don’t know what it is, but I don’t really watch it like I’m watching a normal show. I just watch it because I’m in it. So I don’t know. But everyone who has spoken to me has said it’s amazing. So yeah, I’ve heard positive things.'

Is Owen Cooper in Wuthering Heights?

Yes, Owen Cooper will star in Emerald Fennel's adaption of Wuthering Heights, which will be out in 2026. He will play a young Heathcliff in the adaption. Speaking to Variety about the role, Cooper said 'Yeah, Stephen recommended me his agent. So Maddi [Bonura, from Independent Talent] came and watch a bit of episode one, and I got “Wuthering Heights” from that!'

He joins a star-studded cast that includes Margot Robbie and Jacob Elordi. When asked if he hangs out with them on set, Cooper told Variety 'Yeah, we’d always speak in the makeup chair. Jacob’s lovely. He’s always chatting to everyone. And same as Margot. Margot is lovely as well.'

Does Owen Cooper have Instagram?

Yes, he does. You can follow Owen at @owencooper.

Alice Hall is the Staff Writer at Grazia UK. She was previously a Junior Features Writer for The Daily Telegraph. At Grazia, she writes news and features about pop culture, dating, health, politics and interiors.

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