Cast your minds back to a time before the world changed. A mere year ago, all we had to talk about was Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. This time last year, the pair were pictured together for the first time since their split, with Brad Pitt visibly congratulating his ex wife for her awards win. The pictures were v. cute and we were all obsessed.
We may have heard the reports that they’re still friends, known that they must see each other at Hollywood events, but seeing them actually interacting in real life? Tha was another story.
It was the grins as they gazed upon each other, Brad’s wrist-grab as Jen walked away, Jen’s finger under the his lapel. It was just. Too. Much. Even now we're still reeling, as is everyone in the world, it seems, including Hollywood.
Brad and Jen at the SAG Awards

Brad and Jen at the SAG Awards

Brad and Jen at the SAG Awards

Brad and Jen at the SAG Awards

Brad and Jen at the SAG Awards
There are a number of vastly different reactions to their meeting. Some are screaming in support, rehashing their super-couple flags (remember when their marriage literally coined the term 'super-couple'?) with fresh ‘Brennifer’ paint. Others are sitting back with gritted teeth, not quite sure about our queen returning to the arms of a man who once publicly humiliated her. And while a fair few are also apathetic – telling us to calm down and not lose our cool over one picture – for many, seeing an image of Brad and Jen so tactile 15 years post-divorce has sparked a lot of opinions.
But what does your reaction say about you? Does your cynicism speak to your bad-boyfriend past littered with cheating exes? Do the heart emojis you posted under THAT picture symbolise your subconscious wish to get back with an ex that once broke your heart? Or are you patiently waiting to see Jen best the ex that so publicly cheated on her?
‘I am obsessed with seeing Brad and Jen together, but I definitely don’t want them to get back together,’ says Laura, 26, from London. ‘To be honest, I hope Jen’s messing with him, getting her own back. She deserves better than to go back to a cheating ex.’
Laura’s reaction is one shared by many online, especially having seen the huge celebrity support for their reunion. ‘I can’t believe how everyone is rooting for Brad and Jen to get back together when he literally publicly DUMPED HER for someone else,’ one Twitter user commented to near 1,000 likes.
‘I don’t care if Brad and Jen aren’t getting back together. A beautiful, talented and successful woman who was left by her husband for someone else and who now has him looking at her like this 15 years later is power I can only aspire to,’ added another.
Why are we all obsessed with seeing Aniston best her cheating ex? Well, not only is it a happy ending many can relate to, but for Jen in particular, that divorce was a narrative that shaped her entire career. If it weren’t for Brad’s adultery with Angelina Jolie, Poor Jen would not have become the theme of her entire public life, something she has quite openly despised since its inception.
We have seen Jen go through public heartbreak, then have her daily life commented on with pity and inferences of desperation for more than a decade. And so, it is only natural that upon seeing the man so instrumental in all of this - although no doubt the tabloid media has been the driving force - seemingly obsessed with her (at least, that’s what we’re choosing to believe), we would rise up in support and hope to God she’s finally besting him. It may not be the healthiest reaction, but it seems to be driving a lot of the #teamJen support.
Of course, there are those who are simply hoping they get back together. These are the true romantics, those who dream that bad partners can change in time and just pray they can apply Brad and Jen’s situation to their own love of an ex who disrespected them. They’re also the people who rooted for Helen and Noah in The Affair – again, just FYI, Helen deserves better.
Now, they may also be the people most capable of forgiveness and instilling hope in the world that you can learn from mistakes. So, perhaps we shouldn’t be too cynical of anyone who is team Brennifer. But, you know, who we can be cynical of? Team ‘who cares about Brad and Jen?’
Listen, we’re not saying you HAVE to care about Brad and Jen. We’re just saying if you don’t, you’re lying to yourself and everyone around you. Yes, yes, we can’t put all our hopes and dreams on these two people we really don’t know, but if we can’t embrace Hollywood’s most famous exes reuniting during this sad January of Brexit and climate crisis and everything burning to the ground, what fun can we have?!
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