Stop Asking Where Hilaria Baldwin’s Sixth Baby Has Come From

Followers aren't just curious as to whether the couple used a surrogate or adopted, they're demanding answers - and that's not fair.

Hilaria and Alec Baldwin

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

Today, Hilaria Baldwin posted a picture on Instagram confirming that her and husband Alec Baldwin now have six children together (with Alec having one other – Ireland Baldwin – from his marriage to Kim Basinger). Happy news, right? Well, not according to followers – who are instead consumed by questions as to where the six child appeared from.

‘Hilaria Baldwin new baby’, ‘Hilaria Baldwin children’ and ‘Alec Baldwin children’ all began trending on Google this morning as people searched for more information. Why? Because it was only five months ago on the 8th September 2020 that Hilaria announced the birth of her fifth child, Eduardo Pau Lucas.

To have been pregnant and given birth in that timeframe doesn’t add up for most people then, because even if Hilaria got pregnant again the day after giving birth, she would only be 25 weeks now and while most babies survive when born at 25 weeks, they need intensive medical treatment because of how small and fragile they would be.

There are a few very simple conclusions to draw that don’t involve Hilaria being pregnant. Maybe they used a surrogate, maybe they adopted, it’s public knowledge that Hilaria has had two miscarriages and calls Eduardo her ‘rainbow’ – a term commonly used to refer to babies born after miscarriage or baby loss. Perhaps she was told a sixth pregnancy was too risky so they chose to grow their family another way.

But to be honest, none of that is anyone’s business. We say that not because it’s wrong to be curious, but because it’s wrong to comment and demand answers from the couple when they clearly don’t want to give them.

‘If it was a surrogate just say that,’ one follower commented on Alec’s baby announcement. ‘If the baby was adopted just say that. If the baby was a product of an affair and you've decided to raise it with your wife just say that. If you don't want to say anything — why don't you both stop constantly posting and begging for clickbait. Just raise your 100 children in private.’

Alec’s response? ‘You should shut the f--- up and mind your own business.’

Fair enough, right? Yes they’re sharing their baby news with everyone, but that doesn’t mean followers have any right to know more than what they choose to share. If you see their posting as ‘clickbait’, as the commenter did, and wish not to feed into that, not commenting at all would be more worthwhile.

Ultimately, having a new baby is an emotionally vulnerable time for any mother or parent – whether they carried it or not – and to promote any negativity towards them during that time seems highly unfair, and simply unnecessary. Some parents may not feel comfortable yet discussing what method they used to have more children - they might want to protect the identity of the surrogate, or be able to explain to an adopted child later in life how they came into their family - particularly when you already have a large family as the Baldwin's do.

Either way, there are many reasons the couple might choose to keep this information private, and whether you want to know where the sixth child came from or not, it’s Hilaria and Alec’s choice to share that information – and it doesn’t seem like they will be anytime soon.

‘We’re still not issuing a statement or confirming anything – what she posted stands,’ the couple’s representative told Page Six when asked for details.

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