This Is How To Make A Donation To The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee have put out an appeal to help the 18 million people affected by the war.

Ukrainian refugees are arriving in Northern Ireland

by Lydia Spencer-Elliott |
Updated on

As the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, The United Nations has warned we are facing the'biggest refugee crisis this century' with an estimated 2million people now having fled Ukraine to neighbouring countries.

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has launched a Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal to raise funds for refugees who have been displaced from their homes after travelling across the border to Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova.

DEC's Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal brings together thirteen of the UK's leading charities, including Red Cross and Action Aid to make sure money that you donate is quickly and efficiently distributed to DEC charities and their partners on the ground to geturgent help to Ukrainian refugees.

18million people are projected to be affected by the violence in Ukraine, with four million of those expected to be displaced from their homes as the fighting continues. So, every donation helps make a difference to the families who've left their lives behind andare in desperate need of food, shelter and water.

You can also donate clothes and essential items, here are a list of drop off and collection points in the UK, there is a scheme set up to help you sponsor a Ukrainian refugee, and the government is about to announce a scheme to allow people to house a Ukrainian refugee here in the UK.

Charities to donate to in Ukraine

Charities you can donate to, who are working in Ukraine right now, and with Ukrainian refugees, include:

  • The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)

  • Red Cross

  • Army SOS

  • United Ukraine

  • Razom Help Ukraine

  • Save The Children


  • British Ukrainian Aid

How can I donate to the DEC Ukraine appeal?

To support families fleeing this devastating conflict, you can donate to DEC's Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal through their website by clicking here.

Thirty pounds could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month, fifty pounds could provide blankets for four families and one hundred pounds could provide emergency food for two families for one month.

If you want to double your donation, then you can donate to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal through the fund-matching platform BigGive here, who are matching donations to the DEC's appeal.

How can I donate to the Red Cross' Ukraine appeal?

Red Cross have partnered with the DEC's Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal for donations. But you can also give money through Grazia's partnership with the charity if you wish to help them directly. Grazia is backing the Red Cross in its essential work in Ukraine, where water, electricity and phone connectivity have been affected in many areas. Red Cross volunteers are helping communities with first aid, warm clothes, food, shelter, water and power supplies, as well as supporting medical facilities.

We've made a donation, and it's quick and easy for you to give whatever you can. Just text GRAZIA to 70141 to give £10 or donate online at

Donations for Ukraine to charities on the ground

Army SOS

Amy SOS (here) will ensure Ukranian forces have the training, auxiliary equipment, specialised software, body protection, drones, food, shields and ammunition that they need during the conflict. You can also sign a petition for the UK to offer necessary military support here.

United Help Ukraine

United Help Ukraine are providing lifesaving first aid kits and other medical supplies to the front lines of the conflict. They’re also working with Ukraine’s emergency response organisations to prepare humanitarian aid to civilians that have been affected by Russia’s attack. Donate here.

Razom For Ukraine

Razom For Ukraine are raising money get essential goods to Ukraine. They’re also distributing funds to translate important documents and sources, get volunteers on the ground, share vital information, and fundraise for further emergency needs. Donate here.

Donations for Ukraine to charities that help children

As the conflict in Ukraine has intensified, there is now an imminent threat posed to approximately 7.5 million children. With bombs falling and infrastructures being badly damaged, children have been killed and injured. As swathes of families flee their country, they need urgent assistance funded by your donations.

Save The Children

'There are 7.5 million children in Ukraine caught up in this adult war,' Save The Children's Head Of Conflict James Denselow told Grazia. 'Children woke up in Ukraine this morning to air raid sirens, a declaration of martial law and the sounds of war.'

'Many were rushed to metro stations and other forms of shelter,' he continued. 'Tens of thousands of terrified children have already been forced from their homes into sub-zero wintery conditions. The risk to their mental health and potential for long-term trauma cannot be underestimated and they will desperately need our help in the weeks ahead.' Donate to provide emergency winter and hygiene kits and specialist support through Save The Children's emergency fund.

British-Ukrainian Aid

British-Ukrainian Aid is raising money to support victims of the conflict, including the injured and wounded, orphaned children, the elderly, internally displaced persons and families who have lost their breadwinners. Donate here.


Donations to UNICEF will ensure the charity can stay in Ukraine and deliver critical supplies like water, sanitation, emergency cash, schooling, and refuge to children and their families. UNICEF are also supporting mobile child protection teams who provide psychosocial care to traumatised children and are responding to cases of violence and abuse against children separated from their families. Donate here.

READ MORE: These Are The Donation Collection Points For Ukraine Near You This Is What You Can Do To Help People In Ukraine Right Now

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