Prince William’s Attitude Cover Set To Be A Bestseller

Prince William attitude

by Grazia Contributor |
Published on

The Duke of Cambridge's appearance on the cover of gay lifestyle magazine, Attitude is set to be one of the magazine's best selling issues.

Prince William - the first royal to be on the cover of a gay title - spoke passionately about the issue of homophobic bullying.

A spokeswoman for the magazine said: 'Early indications are that it will be one of our best-selling issues and has been overwhelmingly well received.'

'We have also received many letters, emails and tweets in support of this issue.'

Earlier we wrote:

Prince William has made history this month becoming the first Royal to give an interview to a gay magazine. Appearing on the front cover of next week's Attitude – the British gay lifestyle magazine – the Prince condemned homophobic bullying saying: 'No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason.'

News broke of the interview yesterday, when he and his wife Catherine visited the US Embassy to pay their respects to the victims of the tragic terrorist attack in Orlando last weekend, which targetted the LGBT community.

As The Telegraph reported, Prince William told a member of staff at the embassy he would be appearing in the magazine.

According to Attitude's website, the Prince had invited the magazine to bring members of the LGBT community to Kensington Palace in May, to discuss their experiences of homophobic, bi-phobic and transphobic bullying.

Following the discussion, the Prince said: 'No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason and no one should have to put up with the kind of hate that these young people have endured in their lives.

'The young gay, lesbian and transgender individuals I met through Attitude are truly brave to speak out and to give hope to people who are going through terrible bullying right now. Their sense of strength and optimism should give us all encouragement to stand up to bullying wherever we see it.

'What I would say to any young person reading this who’s being bullied for their sexuality: don’t put up with it – speak to a trusted adult, a friend, a teacher, Childline, Diana Award or some other service and get the help you need. You should be proud of the person you are and you have nothing to be ashamed of.'

The Prince William issue of Attitude went to press on Wednesday 8th June, 'just days before the devastating shooting in Orlando which saw 49 LGBT+ people lose their lives,' the publication stated. 'Attitude sends our most heartfelt condolences to those affected by this atrocity.'

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