Caitlyn Jenner Is Receiving Backlash For Rewriting The History Of Her And Khloe Kardashian’s Feud

Caitlyn said her and Khloe haven’t spoken for five or six years, but scenes on KUWTK say otherwise…

Kardashian/Jenner family picture

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

On last night’s episode of I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! Caitlyn Jenner addressed her feud with Khloe Kardashian, saying that she and Khloe haven’t spoken since she transitioned. However, viewers of Keeping Up With The Kardashians have voiced concerns that she is rewriting history given the number of scenes they filmed together on their reality show.

‘Khloe for some reason was pissed off about something through this whole process,’ Caitlyn said after campmate Roman Kemp asked about her coming out experience. ‘Honestly it's been been five or six years and I really haven’t talked to her since.’

‘Do you think she’s more thinking about herself rather than you?’ Ian Wright asked, before Caitlyn replied, ‘I don’t know. Khloe and I were really close. I raised her since she was five years old. I don't know what her issues are, I really don't know.'

Fans were quick to hit back at Caitlyn’s comments, as it has been documented on the reality show that they have spoken since – filming scenes together as recently as 2017. They also pointed out that their feud began because of Caitlyn's Vanity Fair interview where she claimed Khloe’s mother, Kris Jenner, treated her badly during their 23-year marriage. When asked about why the couple got divorced, Caitlyn told the magazine, ‘Twenty percent was gender and 80 percent was the way I was treated.’

‘We don’t care if you want to transition, we want to support you and be there for you. But, we don’t think that entails you speaking negatively about my mum,’ Khloe told Caitlyn after the interview during an episode of KUWTK.

'In our opinion, you don’t need to even mention our mum,' she continued. 'Let’s focus on the actual cause here and not drag my mum through the mud. I would think you would come from a place of more compassion – especially when you have two young daughters who are greatly affected by it.'

At the time, Kim Kardashian also took issue with Caitlyn's interview, telling her 'there are things that you said that you might not realise are hurtful. "Had Kris been accepting to who I am, we still would be together." That’s the most unfair thing in the world to say.'

In fact, in the 2015 two-hour special Keeping Up with the Kardashians: About Bruce that saw Caitlyn discussing her transition with her children, Khloe Kardashian was seen giving Caitlyn her first pair of heels – a matching set they could wear together.

‘I love Caitlyn in the jungle, but the way she explained her and Khloe’s fallout was so wrong,’ one Twitter user commented during the I’m A Celebrity episode. ‘It made it seem that Khloe won’t speak to her because she’s trans, when in fact it was about how Caitlyn treated Kris after.’

‘Bit unfair of Caitlyn to call Khloe out like that without admitting what she said about Khloe’s mother in her book,’ another added.

In Caitlyn’s book, she made a number of claims about her former wife that upset the family, writing that Kris always knew about her gender dysphoria, stole the idea for KUWTK from her and had complete control of her finances throughout their marriage.

‘Everything [Caitlyn] says is all made up,’ Kris said in an episode of KUWTK. ‘All through the book, “Kris knew, Kris knew before I even made love to her.” I'm like, “what?”. I've done nothing but open my home and my heart to a person who doesn't give a shit... I've never been so angry and disappointed with somebody in my whole life.’

While the family is yet to comment on Caitlyn Jenner’s latest comments in the jungle, it is of course worth bearing in mind that despite their appearances on reality TV it is impossible to know what truly happened behind the scenes. Especially when it comes to such a sensitive emotional process as someone in the family transitioning.

Not only does everyone’s experiences of something differ based on their own perceptions, when it comes to reality TV it is highly likely we have not seen half of what actually went on during that time in all their lives.

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