For me, there’s nothing quite like sunny season. As the temperatures rise so too does my mood. I have more energy, make better food choices (picky bits for tea, anyone?) and, as a result, feel much happier. That is until the familiar twinge in my nostrils begins and my eyes start to water and weep – signifiers that my ultimate summer time enemy, hay fever, is about to rear its ugly head and ruin my day in the process. And it turns out I’m not alone. According to recent research conducted by Allergy UK and Kleenex a whopping 49% of people report suffering with hay fever symptoms.
I’ve dealt with hay fever for as long as I can remember. Each summer, the raft of wholly unpleasant symptoms would wash over me as the pollen count rose. No matter how many Piriton pills I popped, my eyes would feel itchy and sore, my nose would run, and, at my worst, I could even be bed-bound with a pulsating headache. Hot girl summer, it was not.
While antihistamines have provided me with some level of relief, and airway-clearing nasal sprays have allowed me to feel slightly less allergy ridden, when the pollen took hold, there was nothing I could do to relieve my irritated eyes. I’d used eye-drops and ice globes in a bid to cool my sore eyes into submission. But it would never work, and I’d push and prod at my lids incessantly - anything to quieten the stifling scratch.
Recently, however, I found a hay fever product that I’ll deem nothing short of game changing. It’s not a rare form of Manuka honey expertly cultivated and transported from New Zealand, nor is it an extravagant ‘woo-woo’ style tonic you'd most likely find in Gwyneth Paltrow's beauty cabinet. Instead, it’s a decidedly unglamorous set of face wipes from Superdrug that cost a mere 99p. Who knew?
Infused with refreshing citric acid and soothing niacinamide, I can attest that these wipes have helped my hay fever symptoms immeasurably. They're safe to use around the eye area, so when I feel the familiar twinge begin, I’ll simply sweep them under my eyes, across my lashes, and, if I’m feeling extra itchy, along my waterline. They catch pesky pieces of pollen and prevent my ‘allergy face,’ minimising swelling and reddening in the process. You can also use them along your nostrils too - they really help to keep sneezes at bay. My only gripe is that the wipes do dry out easily, so ensuring the packet is properly sealed is a must.
For 99p, this one made a marked difference to me. I’ll use a wipe first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and when I feel any irritation on the go. They're not one to sniff at…if you’ll pardon the pun.
Not only do these wipes relieve irritated eyes and noses caused by hay fever and other allergies - they're also biodegradable making them a beauty all rounder.