The Internet Thinks These Silicone Patches Are An Affordable Alternative To Botox

And the skin-smoothing results are actually quite impressive.

Grazia, TikTok: @aurieltok, @thewrinklesschminkles

by Phoebe Lee |
Published on

Wrinkle smoothing silicone patches - beauty's latest fixation dominating your TikTok feed - might be the least strange thing to come from the app. That's right: one viral video (viewed 48.1m times, no less) shows a woman using large silicone patches to smooth out fine lines on her forehead. Pulling the skin taut backwards, she places the patches over them and removes them the next day. And yes: as if some miracle, her skin does appear smoother. Bouncier. Tighter.

So: fad or fabulous? Might silicone patches key to smoother, tauter skin? Here, the lowdown.

Watch: TikTok User Using Silicone Patches To Smooth Fine Lines

How do silicone patches work to smooth wrinkles?

Not all silicone patches are made equal, but the ones featured in the video, by brand Wrinkles Schminkles, are made from 100% medical grade silicone and have been endorsed by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. In order for the silicone to smooth wrinkles, the key is to pull the skin taut before applying to lay them flat. Following the success of the forehead patches, the brand have introduced ones for the hands, chest, neck and mouth.

It's not the first time people have used silicone to treat the skin. The NHS occasionally use silicone to treat scars and speed up their healing time. Research surrounding their efficacy isn't 100% proven, but research has suggested that it could work to form for a protective barrier over the scar which allows it to mature and prevent less scar tissue and retain hydration.

The dermatological TikTok jury has a unanimous verdict: that, when used, they flatten wrinkles and prevent them forming by keeping the skin taut. Watch dermatologist Dr. Mamina's response, below, as well as an infographic from Wrinkles Schminkles on their patches.

Wrinkles Schminkles
©Wrinkles Schminkles

How do these patches compare to Botox?

Silicone patches are, of course, a non-invasive method of wrinkle smoothing. As such, results are more short term than Botox. According to aesthetic doctor Terry Loong, 'botox lasts between 3-4 months. If someone is a Botox virgin, effects might last 2-3 months and for some patients, effects may last up to 6 months.'

In short? Silicone patches might just offer an instant, short-term fix for smoother skin (short-term being the key word). If you're out for a longer-term facial tweakment, though, consider Grazia's treatment guide to point you in the right direction.

You can shop Wrinkles Schminkles, below.

Shop: Silicone Wrinkle Patches


SHOP: Silicone Wrinkle-Smoothing Patches

Wrinkles Schminkles Forehead Patch, £301 of 2

Wrinkles Schminkles Forehead Patch, £30

Wrinkles Schminkles Chest Wrinkle Patch, £302 of 2

Wrinkles Schminkles Chest Wrinkle Patch, £30

Main image credit: Grazia, TikTok: @aurieltok, @thewrinklesschminkles

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