Molly-Mae Hague took to her Instagram stories this week to talk about her teeth. She began by explaining that she had recently had her composite bonds removed. Composite bonds are often used as a solution to minor gaps in teeth, chips in teeth or obvious discolouration. The dentist attaches a composite resin over the top of the patient's natural teeth, often providing a dental look that's very even in appearance. Molly-Mae revealed in her Instagram stories that she had booked in for composite bonds a mere two days before entering the Love Island villa in 2019. She said to her followers 'I haven't spoken to you guys on Instagram about my teeth. I did actually make a TikTok basically saying that I had had my composite bonds removed recently after two years of having my natural teeth covered. I now have my natural teeth back and I'm in the process of making you guys a YouTube video to explain the full process.' Molly-Mae continued, 'I'm just so happy that I don't have teeth like the Wicked Witch of the East because I genuinely thought that when my bonds got taken off my teeth would be all orange and decayed. I haven't seen them in years so I didn't know what to expect!'. Molly-Mae, clearly happy with the results, smiled and enthused 'I'm so happy I did it.'
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Molly-Mae then went on to reveal that she had been consciously taking steps to reverse past procedures like fillers too: 'I want to finish by saying that I think I've taken all the steps I want to take now to reverse all the mistakes I made with fillers, getting things done that I didn't necessarily need to get done, that I didn't really think through at the time.'. Molly-Mae captioned that post with the sentence 'Please don't make the same mistakes I did' before continuing, 'I got the composite bonds put on two days before I went on Love Island and I don't regret it but it wasn't a necessary thing to do. I was just young. I think when you get older you want to look younger and when you're younger you want to look older. If you're a slightly younger follower of mine just take my advice and wait. Wait a good few years until your face matures, wait to get older to make decisions about cosmetic work.'
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While we're of the opinion that no one should ever feel under pressure to declare their procedures or reversal of procedures publicly no one can deny that Molly-Mae's decision to do so is admirable and it's highly likely that her candid take on her own journey will help a follower or two somewhere down the line.
Browse: All The Times Celebrities Got Real About Beauty
Celebrities Getting Real About Beauty 2021

Hailey Bieber
In December 2020 Hailey Bieber took to her Instagram stories to explain her struggle with perioral dermatitis, which is a minor skin condition that involves areas of inflammation and breakouts.

Eva Longoria
Remember when Eva Longoria showcased her roots on Instagram this year? Eva pointed to a neat regrowth of greys along her parting and normalised that everyday hair concern in the process. Eva used the video to demonstrate the effectiveness of L'Oreal's Magic Retouch root spray, and it struck a chord with a nation collectively deprived of their hairdressers in lockdown.

Matilda de Angelis
Matilda de Angelis shot to fame in this year's hit TV series The Undoing, but she really won our hearts when she posted a selfie and drew attention to her acne. In the picture's caption she wrote 'There are much bigger problems in life, I am aware of that, but I wanted to share this little truth perhaps to feel stronger, perhaps to accept myself better. Our fears can paralyze us or they can become a great force, it is up to us to choose the path.'

Lili Reinhart
Riverdale star Lili Reinhart took to her Instagram stories to share an evening spent tackling cystic acne, and we love her for it.

Cardi B
Cardi B took to Instagram in February 2021 to showcase her makeup free face, blemishes and all, and we're here for it.

Maura Higgins
Maura Higgins took to Instagram in February 2021 with the caption 'RAW ... like many of us, there are so many times I stop to read the nasty comments in my DM's or online & every single time I can't help but think of the younger generation stepping on the social media bandwagon! Us women especially get criticised day in and day out about our body's, hair, makeup, skin...I could go on forever. I am very lucky to be confident inside & out and I want to empower woman to do the same. We don't need to use filters or apps, being yourself is more than enough although a minority of the online community sometimes try and convince us otherwise. Everyone preaches to be kind to others when really we need to also preach how important it is to be kind to ourselves; be comfortable and proud in your own skin.'

Molly-Mae Hague
When Molly-Mae Hague took to her Instagram stories to talk about getting her composite bonds removed from her teeth she touched on the wider journey she'd been on too: 'I want to finish by saying that I think I've taken all the steps I want to take now to reverse all the mistakes I made with fillers, getting things done that I didn't necessarily need to get done, that I didn't really think through at the time.'. Molly-Mae captioned that post with the sentence 'Please don't make the same mistakes I did' before continuing, 'I got the composite bonds put on two days before I went on Love Island and I don't regret it but it wasn't a necessary thing to do. I was just young. I think when you get older you want to look younger and when you're younger you want to look older. If you're a slightly younger follower of mine just take my advice and wait. Wait a good few years until your face matures, wait to get older to make decisions about cosmetic work.' While we're of the opinion that nobody should feel under pressure to detail their procedures or procedure reversals publicly Molly-Mae's decision to do so is admirable.
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