This week we are joined by Esme Roberts, a PR executive from Manchester...
‘I have to be so careful with beauty products', Esme explains that the wrong cream or foundation can cause an allergic reaction. As a sufferer of rosacea and acne in the past, she must be vigilant when purchasing new products. It's not just her sensitive skin she needs to be cautious about, but her outgoings to because she leads a busy life and small budget. It can be challenging, so Esme talks us through how it’s done.
body admin diary

Day One
6:00am Why are alarms so loud? I had a brilliant evening fulfilled with Indian street food, Sauvignon Blanc and a friend's birthday celebrations, but I've got a full day of work ahead and I need to get in the zone. 6:20am Shower done, Good Morning Britain on, coffee in hand. My skin feels drier than usual and generally a bit mucky, I use Avene Extremely Gentle Cleanser (£10.50) and go over my face four times to make sure all the remains of the night before are off. I received skin treatment for acne and rosacea last year and the dermatologist recommended it, I swear by it now – I even stock up when it's on offer. 6:40am Whilst I ponder over the absence of Piers Morgan on today's GMB (yes, I am the only person in the UK who likes him), I gently apply BareMinerals foundation light (£27), it covers blemishes really well and I need it in my life right now. 6:50am I am still in the honeymoon period with my micro-bladed eyebrows (£130), no longer having to apply a brow pencil is liberating. 7am I washed my hair the night before last and it feels greasy, yuck! Johnson's baby talc powder will do the trick (£2.29), my hairdresser told me to avoid dry shampoo as the scent makes my scalp itchy and flaky. 6pm Sat in traffic for 45 minutes in what should be a five-minute journey. PLEASE MOVE.6:15pm Literally sprinted into the gym so I didn't miss my class. I use my trusted Avene cleanser to take my foundation off and jump onto a mat.6:30pm I've been doing a routine of four stomach exercises each day following some advice from one of the instructors – let's hope I have abs of steel after it.7:30pm Whilst shoving some chicken and rice in the microwave, I apply more Avene cleanser, this time removing all of the make-up around my eyes and wiping off the effects of the gym. When I was younger my mum used to always tell me to splash my face with cold water and pat dry, it seems old habits die hard because I still do it every night. 8pm I wash my hair with Dove Shampoo (£2) and Conditioner (£2.70) but decide to sack off drying it, too much effort and I'm too tired.8:10pm I prefer baths to showers, they're so much more relaxing and I find it easier to unwind. I don't add any bubble bath as it can make my skin quite itchy.9:20pm Already in bed, I need to be up early tomorrow, and my batteries need recharging. Night!

Day Two
6am Finally feeling more refreshed after an early night. I have a client meeting in Greater Manchester today, so after a quick cleanse of my skin, I apply minimal make-up. I decide to spray my favourite perfume before I leave the house – Chanel Coco Mademoiselle (£55). 12:30pm I am in the car again, people looking at me can almost see their reflection in my face it's that shiny. 12:40pm Still sat in my car and using the rear-view mirror as a substitute for a makeup mirror. I can see a layer of oil around my nose. I whip out some oil sheets (50 Boots skin clear oil absorbing sheets, £4), they don't have powder on, but they remove all the access oil from your face. These mirrors were made to be multi-purpose, right?5:15pm I feel like I haven't stopped, I haven't even had time to reapply make-up and I'm looking very shiny right now. Lovely.7pm My friend's band are performing a gig at a trendy Chorlton bar this evening. I haven't had time to get ready properly, so a quick baby wipe (60 water baby wipes, Sensitive, £2), a reapplication of foundation, blusher and powder and I am good to go. I swipe on my new lipstick in an attempt to jazz up my look (Charlotte Tilbury pillow talk, £23) who says I don't make an effort?10pm The gig was great, I totally fan girl'd her – if I ever get married she will have to be my wedding singer.10:10pm It's fake tan night, I feel more comfortable and confident with a golden shimmer because I am so pale. I am ashamed to say I got sunburnt a few weeks ago in Malta, so I exfoliate (Boots essential twin pack sponge, £2.50) in the shower before I apply any fake tan. When will I ever learn? 10:25pm I've been using Vita Liberata (100ml, £15) since I was 21. I can only get it in the boots but it's the best thing I've used, unlike other tans it doesn't irritate my skin and it looks natural, even when washed off.11pm Cleanse, moisturise and bed.

Day Three
5:40am Setting that alarm earlier was such a good idea last night. Urgh. 6:20am I have a mountain of work to get through, so I am working from home, I'm going to use it as an opportunity to give my face a break from makeup. I apply a layer of Vaseline (£2.09) before starting work, it feels good to give my face a rest.7pm No contact lenses today, just my glasses – no one ever sees me wearing them but it's good to give your eyes a break as well as your face, sometimes a few drops of Optrex can make them feel refreshed. (£4)11am I've just spent the morning writing, totally in the zone – feel like I am on a roll.1pm My skin is oily as usual, this time I am dabbing it with a tissue. No wonder I get spots to easily.6pm The weekend is here! I am fully embracing the Friday feeling. My friend is getting married tomorrow and I've got plenty of prep to do! I love a good wedding.6:10pm I decide to take a long shower and treat my feet to some TLC. I use Liz Earle foot scrub (100ml, £45) and finish by using Liz Earle foot repair moisturiser (100ml, £45). I am 5'6 but I love wearing heels, I feel so much more confident, but it does take its toll on your feet. 6:30pm Next on the agenda is toenails, I was given Chanel rouge as a gift for my birthday (£22) and I don't wear anything else. My dress is purple, but I think red nail polish goes with anything. I can't wear anything on my fingernails because I break out in blisters, same applies to acrylic nails and shellac! 6:50pm I'm not washing my hair, I appreciate this sounds gross, but it can't be too clean if I am going to style it tomorrow. 9pm I've spent the last two hours watching Coronation Street omnibus, honestly, I am old before my time. 10pm My final application of tan – I am off to bed to smelling so strongly of fake tan even my cat won't sit next to me.

Day Four
8am I am so excited! I quickly send my friend a voice note, which is basically a screech down the phone - I am sure she appreciated that whilst she's trying to prepare for her big day, I can't wait to see her dress.8:10am I am straight in the shower – happy with the outcome of my tan, even if my sheets are orange.8:25am The sun is out already, I don't want to get sunburnt, so I quickly apply factor 50 to my face (£4) before I start applying makeup. 8:40am I can't really pull off heavy lipstick, so I always make my eyes a statement. I use three shades of orange (MAC: rule, red brick and copping - £16.50 each) and mascara (Boujois volume reveal mascara £9). 9:45am My face needs to match my body, bronzer isn't something I use day to day, so I have a cheap one which I use now and again. (Rimmel, £2.40) 10am Highlighter can make such a difference, my BareMinerals highlighter came in a set but it can really accentuate my look when it's applied to my cheekbones and under my eyes. (BareMinerals crystallised glow, £30).10:45am My Charlotte Tilbury (pillow talk) lipstick is subtle enough for the day, it has quite a natural look to it but I'll pack a MAC lipstick for the evening as a contingency. 11am My hair is long, so I am going for subtle waves. My hairdresser told me to stop styling my hair without applying a protective spray, so I purchased one recently (Tresemme heat defence smooth, £5.99), my patience runs low when I am curling my hair, I just want to be at the wedding! (Remington – curl revolution, £42.99).11:30am A quick squirt of Urban Decay finishing spray (£24) and my favourite perfume Chanel Chance (£55), I take a seat whilst I wait for my Uber. 5pm The wedding is beautiful, and the bride looks sensational. As usual I am doing my ugly crying face during the speeches, oh dear. At least my mascara is staying in place. 7pm The party is in full swing and I can no longer count the number of glasses of champagne I've drunk on one hand. It's time to pull out my contingency lipstick, it's a bit bright for the daytime but it's perfect for adding a touch of glamour in the evening. (MAC, £16)12pm We're waiting for our taxi, it's been such a great night wish it didn't have to finish!12:30pm My makeup has stayed on all day, but I am exhausted. I don't have the energy to do a full cleansing routine, so it's just a quick once over with the Avene lotion and I'm done.

Day Five
11am I've woken up with a sore head and the remains of last night's make up on my face – classy. My skin feels dry and rough because of the alcohol. 11:10am I remove the remains of last night's make up by using Avene, it takes so much cotton wool to get every last scrap off.11:30am Wow, I need a coffee. I quickly reapply minimal make-up, I've got errands to run today and no one needs to see the bags under my eyes.3:30pm I've visited my grandparents, done a Tesco shop and prepared my lunches for the week ahead. How have I been this productive?4pm I like to pamper on Sundays, after a long bath I am going to give my hair some TLC. My hairdresser gave me a great tip recently, she advised me to wash and towel dry my hair but then apply coconut oil to all the ends (Quality Save, £1). She told me to leave it as long as possible, so I'll let it work its magic whilst I watch some Sex and the City. 7pm I wash off the coconut oil with two shampoos and just one lot of conditioner. I don't really want to put heat on my hair, so I am going to leave it to dry naturally. It's great when you find a good hairdresser, isn't it? My hair has been in the best condition in years.

Day Six
6am Why is it Monday?6:08am Snoozed and still so tired, but wow, what a weekend.7am My hair is literally a frizzy mess after sleeping with it wet – where are those straighteners? (Remington pro ceramic extra, £26.39) 7:15am I am so impressed with the treatment, I thought my hair would feel a bit limp but it just feels strong and healthy. 7:30am I need to give my eyes some definition today, to make my eyebrows looks a little sharper I used my HD brow palette (HD bombshell eye and brow palette, £29) there are three colours available to buy and I'd recommend buying one that suits your hair colour – I'd look ridiculous with dark eyebrows. 1pm Famished and the last thing I fancy is a healthy lunch. I'm craving chocolate.1:30pm Caved and had a chocolate cookie. Pfft. 8pm I've started to get some spots, serves me right for not cleansing properly! I plug in my facial steamer and put my face in it for around two minutes, it helps gets all the pesky dirt up. (Visiq facial steamer, £17.99)8:05pm After a nice steam I give my face another cleanse, splash my face with cold water and moisturise.

Day Seven
5:45am I have a huge event today, I am up really early so I need a coffee asap. I'd usually get showered and start my makeup, but I spend the first twenty minutes gathering all my notes and checking my emails.6:20am After jumping in and out of the shower I apply my foundation, I haven't got any time to do my eyes. 11am I have been in work for three hours, I don't feel confident without eye make up and I feel like people are looking at me because I'm not wearing any. I quickly apply my eyeliner in the bathroom to brighten up my look. (Urban Decay: Whiskey brown, £15).11:15am For the love nose is so red! Pass the concealer. 11:20am I am applying the concealer at my desk, it's an emergency. 6pm I am greeting all the guests as they arrive at the event and I am so glad I topped up my makeup, let's do this!9pm Brilliant event, I have always been ambitious and when I feel like I've had a good day at work I want to punch the air.10pm Still on a high, I get ready to get some shuteye. Before I get into bed I decide to apply a layer of E45 (£3.29), it's a basic product but it is one of the best – no wonder so many celebrities use it. 10:30pm Looking forward to reflecting on tonight with my colleague's tomorrow, but for now it's time to get some sleep.
Total cost of make up: £355.81
Total cost of bodycare: £228.33
Total cost of haircare: £99.22
Total: £683.3
Read More:
My Body Admin Diaries: A Beauty Editor With A Bounty Of Free Products But Very Little Free Time
My Body Admin Diaries: Here's What a £1,586 Beauty Routine Looks Like