From the paparazzi pictures of the cast of Sex and The City reboot 'And Just Like That', to the Cannes Film festival red carpet, there is an exciting emerging trend happening in hair colour - grey and silver. I had wanted silver grey hair for years, but it took me three years of wanting to, two years of talking about it, and several hours at the salon before I actually dyed my hair.
“Going grey used to be a bit of a hair taboo, but it's always been a favourite at Bleach since we opened in 2010", says Alex Browsell, Co-Founder of colour specialists Bleach London. "We love seeing women embracing natural grey tones, but loads of our young customers and salon clients have started choosing grey again, proving you can be a silver vixen at any age. I think it’s popular because it’s a flattering neutral tone that's easy to style, but it’s still striking and makes a statement."
Inspired by the movement of women embracing their naturally chic grey, I finally took the plunge and bleached my hair and dyed it grey. The problem is, to be able to dye your hair grey you really have to strip all the natural colour out of your hair. This means it's really really hard to achieve - especially if your hair's as naturally dark as mine - and tricky to maintain.
I quickly realised if I wanted my hair to be an icy silvery-grey for more than a couple of washes post-hairdresser appointment, I was going to have to start dyeing it myself. At home. Gulp.
Despite my initial fears, over the past year, I like to think I've become something of a grey-silver hair dye aficionado. So, when Grazia asked me to test out four grey/silver home dyes, I said: ‘show me the rubber gloves!’
So, here's which grey/silver hair dye products are best...
SHOP: Grey Hair Colour Products

Crazy Colour, Aubergine Hair Dye, £5
Rating: 3/5I'll be honest, despite the fact they're arguably the brand leaders in the non-conventional hair dye market, I'm not a massive fan of Crazy Color. I don't think their dyes have much-staying power - which is a great if you're experimenting with something wacky, but not so great if you know what you want, and want it to stick. Having previously tried, and been rather disappointed by, their Platinum dye – which I chose after watching a YouTube tutorial which compared it favourably to their Silver one - this time I tried the Silver. Although this dye was definitely better than their Platinum, it was far from great. As you can see from the pics, there was a definite silver-tinge to the mid-section, however, the top and bottom of my hair remained resolutely yellow-ish. And then a couple of washes later, it had gone altogether. This dye definitely isn't for me – it just isn't strong enough for my hair. But, if you're naturally fairer and your bleached hair has less yellow in it, and you just wanna be silver for a few washes, this could be the dye for you.

Jerome Russell, Bblonde Toner, Steel (Pack of 3), £15.99
Rating: 1/5Well, this was not only a complete waste of time and money, but also a right faff. Despite the picture on the packet showing a model with rich, shiny purple-grey locks, this dye did nothing to my hair - even though it had been freshly bleached just days before. But what really drove me mad about this dye wasn't the fact that it didn't deliver on colour, but that you had to heat treat it. I've used half a dozen different home dyes now, and this is the only one that's required me to wave my hairdryer over my head for five minutes like a complete loon. Look, I don't want to say this is completely rubbish, because maybe it has, or would, work for you (if it has, feel free to give me a shout on Twitter and tell me I've got this completely wrong), but it didn't work for me, I wouldn't buy it again, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to a friend.

Schwarzkopf, LIVE Steel Silver 098 Semi-Permanent Hair Dye, £5.79
Rating: 4.5/5I liked this dye from the minute I opened the box. In life, it's often the little things that count, and inside the box - along with the tube of dye and an instruction booklet explaining how to achieve three different colouring effects - were a couple of sachets of special conditioner and a pair of plastic gloves. 'This,' I thought, 'is a quality product.' And it was! Unlike every other home-dye I've ever used, Schwarzkopf LIVE Ultra Brights was a thick paste rather than a slimy liquid, and as such, I found it far easier and less messy to apply. And what's more, I was really impressed with the colour. Whereas the Crazy Color had only taken to the mid-section, this dye was strong enough to cover the unsightly yellowy hair near my roots. Yes, there was a definite lilac note to some sections, but I don't mind that, and definitely prefer it to dyes which leave my hair half grey/ half yellow. Also, as with all the dyes, I left this on for the maximum time, so if your hair's lighter than mine, reduce the time, and you'll be less likely to end up with shades of lilac rinse! Personally, this is a new firm favourite, and I'd definitely buy it again.

Adore, Shining Semi Permanent Hair Colour, 150 Platinum, £6.50
Rating: 4/5I am a huge fan of Adore dyes, and I promise you I'm not being paid to say that. For me, Adore tick all the colour hair dye boxes; they're cheap and have real staying power (which was actually a bit of a nightmare when I dyed my hair pink for my birthday party and five days later it had hardly faded at all, so I had to go to work with pink hair). Their platinum dye is the first one I used to home-dye my hair grey, and I was flabbergasted with the results - in a good way. It turned my hair a really cool toned, metallic silver, and lasted for weeks. Job done.
And of course, once your hair has been bleached and dyed, aftercare is important to look after your new colour. Bleach London's Fade To Grey Shampoo and Conditioner Set is ideal for toning and depositing subtle silver colour onto fading hair to maintain a slatey sheen, so no more washed out or brassy tones.
"If you’re already a pale blonde, try using our Silver Shampoo and Conditioner to create an icy, ashy tone. If you want something less bright or you’re starting on a slightly darker blonde base, try Scotch Mist or our Fade To Grey range”

Sam Burnett, Owner & Creative Director of Hare & Bone has more expert tips on how to keep your hair looking fresh and fabulous for as long as possible…
An icy platnium blonde colour requires a great toner or colour refresh shampoo. I recommend KMS Colour Vitality Shampoo for keeping a beautiful ash blonde and neutralising colour.
Sulphates are one of the biggest causes of colour stripping in the hair as they contain salt, which strips away moisture; causing colour fading. To combat this look for a sulphate-free or low sulphate products to keep the colour looking fresh in-between visits.
Olaplex or Goldwell Bond Pro Plus are great products as they strengthen the hair fibre & support bond stability giving a move even colour result to stop further damage. This works wonders on colour treated hair as it rebuilds the hair from the inside out. This can also be applied during the colour process, or as a take home treatment.
A good at-home regime is a must and is vital for keeping your hair in great condition when you leave the salon. Blonde hair in particular craves moisture! I recommend KMS Moist Repair Anti Breakage Spray to deeply reconstruct, strengthen and moisturise hair.
Minimise damage from heat and styling tools by lowering the temperature (the optimum is 180 degrees). It might take a bit longer to get ready in the morning, but your hair will thank you for it! Try and blow-dry your hair on the medium setting where possible as this is much kinder on the hair. Prep the hair using heat protective styling agents, my go-to is Therma shape range from KMS.
Still not convinced? Check out our gallery of inspiration for all of our favourite moments that celebs looked gorgeous in grey.
Grey Hairstyles – Celebrity Inspiration








