DeleteUber has been trending on Twitter all weekend, and thousands of people have been sharing their upset with the ride-sharing company via social media. But what is the reason behind this widespread backlash? Yep, you guessed it, it all has something to do with Donald Trump.
The new President’s first week in office has not been quiet (understatement of the century), and as well as signing away women’s rights, Trump has now put in place a ‘muslin ban’ which bars the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries entering the US.
In response to this, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance released a statement, and encouraged their drivers to go on strike for one hour at New York's JFK airport on Saturday night.

The strike was meant to draw attention to Trump’s ridiculous ruling, and to show solidarity with other protesters that had gathered at the airport to support those already detained at the airport as a result of the order.

However, during the strike period Uber decided to purposely drop the normal surge pricing procedure.

Uber were seen to capitalise on the strike for their financial gain which naturally made people very angry.
Journalist Dan O'Sullivan took to Twitter to encourage people to boycott the company, and a wave of people followed suit sharing their choice with the hashtag #DeleteUber.

Uber’s CEO Travis Kalanick, who is a member of Trump’s economic advisory group, released a statement on the company’s site “opposing the recent travel ban and working to compensate drivers using Uber who are impacted by the ban.”
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