There's never been more TV available to us - it seems impossible to keep up with the influx of new shows that come at us all the time.
But do you know what? Sometimes, we don't want new. We want old. We want old that we know fits our exact mood. And now, more than ever, it seems that's what we need. Our lockdown timelines are filled with people rewatching their favourite shows.
So if you're looking for inspiration, here are some of our favourite TV shows to rewatch - and the mood they help us with.
Shows To Rewatch For Every Mood

Prison Break, The West Wing and The Good Wife / The Good Fight.
For when you need time off your phoneToo much TV now is designed specifically to be tweeted alongside – which is fine, but when you're midway through a global pandemic, we all feel like we might need some time away from constant updates. So, what's something that's just taxing enough to keep you hooked so you can't look at your phone? Prison Break, says Digital Writer, Georgia Aspinall. 'I love those action/thriller type shows but not sure I need the anxiety a new one brings with not knowing how it will end, so this is perfect because it's convoluted enough to stop me going on my phone but since I know what happens I can just watch and enjoy.' I'd add anything American and fast-talking to that: The West Wing, The Sopranos and The Wire, of course, but The Good Wife and The Good Fight are pitch-perfect in the balance of cheesiness, sexiness and intelligence. Prison Break is available on Netflix. The Good Wife, The Good Fight and The West Wing are available on Amazon Prime. The Sopranos and The Wire is on Now TV.

This Country
**For when you want a guaranteed laugh… and some tips on how to do nothing all day.**One of (many) hills I will die on is that nobody, but nobody, can watch This Country without laughing. And if there's one thing we need right now, it's laughter. Daisy May and Charlie Cooper's BBC Three comedy is so tightly and brilliantly written that it's a LOL a minute – and yes, because it's British, there are some tender moments too. Also, if you want an absolute masterclass on how to spend the day doing absolutely nothing, the Mucklowes are a great place to start. I feel like 30 minutes is a great attention span expectation right now, too. Available on BBC iPlayer

Sex And The City
For Total FamiliarityLove it or hate it – you know it, don't you? You know the storylines, the outfits, the jokes, the sex scenes, the men and the various relationship missteps (we're always looking at you, Carrie). To be honest, at this stage, for most of us Sex And The City is a meditation exercise, or like reading your favourite book when you were a kid, for the fourth time in a row. 'It might make me a walking cliché but I don't care,' says Beauty Editor Annie Vischer. 'Comfort viewing for any time of the day, come rain or shine, and a particularly wonderful accompaniment to a bath and a glass of wine. The first movie is on Netflix too.' But AVOID THE SECOND WE ALL KNOW THIS. Deputy Features Editor Anna Silverman adds her vote: 'Call me basique but Sex and the City. Pure nostalgia and familiarity.'Sex And The City is on Now TV.

The Vicar of Dibley
For when you want to check out of modern lifeDawn French's Reverend Geraldine Grainger returned to our screens for the first time in 13 years on the BBC's Big Night In this week to raise funds for charity – causing fans to beg for a new series. But it seems, at least in team Grazia, we're also enjoying rewatchig the episodes that are already out there. Somewhere in the retro countryside, Dibley lives pre-smart phones, pre-Tinder and Instagram and trolling and Donald Trump and DEFINITELY pre-coronavirus. 'I've just started watching The Vicar Of Dibley again,' says our Digital Assistant Lillian Sesiguzel. 'Nothing like a good ol' British comedy to perk you up. Also, if you're living in the city at the moment it's a nice escape to the country.' Beauty Editor Annie Vischer agrees: 'I last watched this in my early teens and now I realise I only actually processed half the jokes. The series is genius, and you can't beat the puddle scene!' The Vicar of Dibley is available on Netflix.

Gilmore Girls
**For when you're missing your mum and sisters.**Join us, down in Stars Hollow, for one of the most unrealistic mother-daughter relationships ever to appear on screen – that somehow, we can all relate to. It's also a good time to watch because, like all those American shows, there's absolutely LOADS OF IT. Fashion assistant Tim Brooks says: 'I'm re-watching Gilmore Girls because my sister is watching it at home home and it reminds me of her and watching it with my sisters.'Gilmore Girls is available on Netflix.

Greys Anatomy, House and ER
For when you want to be feel #grateful for the NHSIt may seem like the last thing you'd want to watch right now is a medical drama, but as these both were made years before, when we all thought Corona was a beer, they're safe in that aspect. They also make you even more grateful for the NHS by constantly running storylines about how expensive it is to get ill in America. Also, you'll be glad your doctor (should you have to see one) isn't a drug-addled sociopath (fingers crossed) or too busy getting off with their colleague next door to concentrate on your urgent medical needs. Plus, it really brings you back to a time when you could actually enjoy stitching together random symptoms and seeing if you could guess what was wrong before the doctor (tip: guess shock pregnancy or Munchausen by proxy and you'll be right 45 per cent of the time).Greys Anatomy and House are on Amazon Prime, ER is on All4.

The O.C. and Dawson’s Creek
**For when you want to revert to being a teenager.**Being an adult is an absolute NIGHTMARE right now. Who thought this is how their life was going to pan out when they were daydreaming as a teen? So let's go back to that time – when we were dying to leave home, not knowing that we were actually living our best lives. Depending on your age, either of these will be appropriate to take you to a time when life's biggest dilemma was Dawson or Pacey (which as we know was a TOTAL JOKE because the answer is always, always, Pacey).The O.C and Dawson's Creek are on Amazon Prime.

**When You Need To Know Absolutely Nothing Bad Is Going To Happen.**What we wouldn't give to have Victoria Wood with us now, chatting sense and making us laugh at all the fitness instagrammers on IGTV. But alas. Thankfully her hugely overlooked masterpiece, Dinnerladies, is all available to stream. 'I did start rewatching the BBC's excellent drama from last year, Years and Years,' says Celebrity Director Guy Pewsey. 'I had only watched it in the background before, so I thought revisiting it would be a comfort. It imagines a future Britain plagued by problems: nuclear way, a demagogic leader, rife xenophobia, a creepy influx of technological dependence – and I suppose I just thought that maybe it would make the current situation feel less dire. But it did the opposite: it feels even more documentary-like than it did when it aired in 2019. It is a testament to the excellent writing and performances that now, watching Years and Years is something of a punch to the gut. Before, it was a harbinger of a possible doomed future. Now it feels like a tame vision of the present. I've had to turn it off and rewatch Dinnerladies instead. The worst thing that happens in that beloved Victoria Wood comedy is an erroneous delivery of wholemeal pitta breads. Chaos ensues.'Dinnerladies is available on Now TV.

Golden Girls
For When You're Feeling Like You Miss Your Sassy Nan/Aunt/RelativeIt may seem a random one, but next week the show returns to UK TV screens when it airs from beginning to end on Channel 5. And Grazia Pictures Director Nathan says it's the perfect thing to help us right now. 'I can't wait for the Golden Girls to return to TV on Channel 5 from Monday. I absolutely LOVED the show as kid and every time I hear that famous Thank You For Being A Friend theme tune, it takes me back to Fridays nights watching it for the first time with my mum in the 80s – certainly an easy, pandemic-free time. Some of the topics they touched upon back in the day such as the Aids crisis, gay weddings and sex after 50 were so risqué and ground-breaking at the time and equally hilarious. Would we have Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives or Fleabag if it wasn't for these Miami legends? Probably not.' Golden Girls, Channel 5, 12.45pm from Monday 27 April.

For when you're missing normal life, dating and your friendsLoads of people seem to have dipped back into Lena Dunham's New York noughties time capsule during the pandemic. Because we finally have time to reassess if it was groundbreaking or not? (The debate still rages). Because they're short, so we can watch them in bed as we go to sleep to avoid thinking thoughts? Because we're nostalgic for our old lives, meeting friends and going on dates? Or because we're nostalgic for our old lives, meeting friends and going on dates… and this reminds us how terrible it can be and therefore gives us comfort? Maybe a bit of all of the above.Girls is available on Now TV.