Today, the first three episodes of Molly-Mae Hague’s docuseries landed on Prime Video, with the next three coming in Spring. The documentary follows Molly as she grapples with motherhood post-breakup from her former fiancé Tommy Fury, while launching her new clothing brand Maebe which debuted to some criticism after its initial sellout.
Grippingly authentic, the documentary dives into Molly’s personal life like fans have never seen before. Crying behind the scenes at her Maebe pop-up last year, struggling as her two-year-old daughter Bambi calls for ‘dada’ during dinnertime, and trying to hold it together during fraught phone calls with Tommy.
At its core, Molly-Mae’s documentary, Behind It All, is a wonderfully honest portrayal of coparenting after a split that neither party really wanted. ‘I think I haven’t been honest with anyone in the situation because actually I’ve just been holding onto the hope that as soulmates we will always come back together,’ Molly reveals in one scene. ‘Even though I’ve being saying to everyone around me “We’re done”, and I made the choice to end our relationship, I didn’t want this to happen. I don’t want to not be together. I know we can’t be right now because he has to work on himself but it’s so hard because all I want is to be with him.’

Molly explains episode one that her split with Tommy was due to his unhealthy relationship with alcohol causing problems in their relationship, which he has also confirmed. Describing nights she’d stay up fraught with worry; she says she didn’t want Bambi to grow up in a household with parents who were struggling to make it work – as she experienced in her own family after her mum and dad’s 25-year marriage breakdown.
Tommy doesn’t appear in the documentary in real time, although clips of their relationship from Love Island and Molly’s YouTube vlogs are littered throughout but is often on the phone to Molly when she’s with Bambi. In one heartbreaking scene, Bambi calls for ‘dada’ while Molly is trying to feed her and Molly’s face instantly drops.
She goes on to describe the emotionally difficulty of coparenting. ‘With Bambi, when we’re doing all these new cute things and he’s not there, then when she’s with him doing all new things and I’m not there, it’s really sad,’ she says. ‘My whole coping mechanism the last few months has been to focus on that we will hopefully get back to a better place, so through everything going on with Maebe as well, it is what I focus on.
‘The positive part of my life right now is that Tommy and I are working on things and they’re going in a positive direction,’ she continues. ‘If we were in a bad place and I had all this going on with Maebe I genuinely think I’d have a breakdown.’
While Molly says that her and Tommy are 'coparenting well' together, she explains that it's difficult to try and move on when you're still in constant communication with each other. 'Tommy and I are always going to have that common ground in Bambi and that special connection,' she says. 'Tommy's a lovely person, he is, he's a really good guy. I'd be lying if I said that love just disappeared overnight.'
And, at the end of episode three, Molly shares that she often fears they are done for good. 'Up until now I’ve had the mindset of “We’ll get back together one day but right now we need to be apart and he needs to work on himself,’ she says. ‘But how it’s looking this week is maybe we are actually just done. I’m realising that maybe these problems are not going to go away, no matter how much I want things to fix themselves.’