Made In Chelsea: In Defence Of Maeva Proposing To James

The reality star has said she wants to ask the question herself - and who can blame her?

Maeva D’Ascanio

by Bonnie McLaren |
Published on

Whenever there's a leap year, every four years, some women do what many would consider unthinkable: propose to their partners. It's due to an Irish legend that some women pop the question on April 29 - but after watching this week's Made In Chelsea{ =nofollow}, we think it should be more of a normal thing for women to take the lead and ask their partners to marry them at any time of the year.

Following the news that her cast mates Tiffany Watson and Sophie Habboo are getting hitched, Maeva was getting agitated that her long-term boyfriend, James Taylor.)

Speaking to her friend Emily Blackwell, Maeva said: 'Well, I think I'm going to have to do it. I'm gonna have to propose to James.' Emily laughs in shock, before Maeva explains: 'Because basically, he doesn't have the balls to do it. I've got the balls to do it.' Also, as Maeva says, her mum proposed to her dad - so, the tradition runs in the family.

While we don't think James does want to marry Maeva just yet - he does seem quite uncertain, and even admitted that he feels like he might miss the single lifestyle - there should be nothing stopping Maeva from at least asking the question.

But, of course, there's a reason why a lot of women don't want to go down the same route as Maeva - as women we're socialised to let all the men do the chasing, otherwise we can be seen as demanding, obsessive and brash. As Maeva says herself, she has the 'balls' to do it - because it's seen as a male thing to do to take the lead in a relationship. And we can also worry that men will find it emasculating if we do take the first move.

While more women are taking the plunge and asking a man to marry them, it's still rare, with some research in 2019 saying that only 16% of women had proposed to their partner. Anyway, we hope a MIC proposal from a strong woman - no matter what James says - might pave the way for more to ask the all-important question without fear of judgement.

READ MORE::a[Made In Chelsea: Why Maeva Is Reality TV Gold]{href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'}

READ MORE: Made in Chelsea’s Maeva D’Ascanio: Everything You Need To Know

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