Made In Chelsea’s Inga Valentiner: ‘It Felt Necessary To Call Sam Out’

Inga exclusively speaks to Grazia about exploring her sexuality on the series, and tells us why she felt she had to address Sam's behaviour.

inga Made In Chelsea

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

After joining last series, Inga Valentiner, Thankfully, Inga has now firmly moved on - and this series, not only has she made friends with a lot of the cast, but she's also explored dating women for the first time.

But Inga did cause a bit of concern for her Chelsea mates when they found out she was dating ex-cast member Sam Prince, who, to put it charitably, has always been known for not the best reputation with women.

At first, it seemed like Sam's old ways were behind him. That was until Sam kissed Inga's friend, Verity Bowditch, in a game of spin the bottle when the cast were on a trip in the Lake District. Sam and Verity then disappeared, leading Inga to call Sam out in the morning.

Here, Inga chats to Grazia about her time on the series so far, her experiences with dating women and being open about sexuality - and, of course, why she thinks it was necessary to call Sam out for his behaviour.

How have you found filming this series of Made in Chelsea?

I’ve had a lot more fun on this season and felt more myself compared to my first series. When I first joined at the beginning of the year, I only knew three people but going into this series I had much stronger bonds and friendships, especially with Liv. Don’t get me wrong, there’s been a heck of a lot more drama for me this season - but that’s inevitable with Made in Chelsea.

How has dating been on Made in Chelsea been for you, especially exploring your attraction to women?

I found it really liberating that I could explore that attraction I have to women more. I think the whole reason behind being more fluid and open with my sexuality is that I’ve never been a fan of restrictions. This is really the only reason that I was slightly nervous about being so candid on TV, as I didn’t want people to put me in a box of being just gay or just straight. But this is 2021, now is the time for everyone to realise they can be whoever they want to be.

Do you think this kind of representation is important on reality TV and what has the positive response been like for you?

I think it’s really important for so many people and especially the younger generation to have more representation shown on TV. The LGBTQ+ community is so incredible, There is just so much love there and the response, from being more open about my sexuality, overwhelmed me in the most wonderful way. So many amazing people came forward to tell me about their experiences which really showed me that we’re all in this together and we aren’t alone, because we all have each other for that support.

What was it like coming out to your dad on camera?

I actually remember feeling fairly calm about having the conversation with my Dad and that’s probably because we have always had an amazing father daughter relationship. I knew that he would support me, no matter what. He’s an amazing person and I count myself incredibly lucky to be able to be my authentic self without fear of judgement. It pains me to know that not every parent would react in the same way that my dad did. If this encourages even one parent to change their mindset on how they perceive sexuality, then that’s all I can wish for.

What was your trip with the cast like?

One word. Savage. I had invited Sam Prince along and thought we were all going to go away for a merry little time in the beautiful Lake District but nope. The good times were very short lived and it all went pretty south straight away. There were arguments left, right and centre. But great location. Highly recommend visiting, just maybe leave spin the bottle at home.

How did it feel to call Sam out for his behaviour?

I think It was very necessary that Sam Prince needed calling out on his behaviour. There’s a certain level of respect that needs to be kept when you’re dating someone and I’m not sure he would’ve even realised the consequences of his actions if I hadn’t of told him, or stuck up for myself.

Are you still friends with Sam?

Time will tell where we stand with each other. I guess you’ll have to tune in.

What were your feelings towards Verity after the game?

I was actually a little shocked at how Verity behaved as I was very much under the impression that we were friends. I had confided in her about Sam a couple of times, so she was very much aware of my feelings towards him. But after witnessing her actions throughout our time at the Lake District, I could begin to see that her loyalties didn’t lie with me.

Made in Chelsea continues on Monday at 9 on E4.

READ MORE: Who Is Made In Chelsea's Inga Valentiner?

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