Happy December, everyone! The most magical time of the year has officially arrived and even the Grinchiest of people can admit it’s time for some festive joy. And as we all know, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is…watching every classic Christmas film known to mankind (sorry Buddy the Elf, singing loud for all to hear is good, too).
But, in case you hadn’t already noticed, there are a lot of Christmas films out there. From the classics to new releases, it can be hard to know where to start. Is 1 December too early to watch Elf? Never. Should festive favourites be saved for closer to the big day? You do you, girl. What we do know however, is that the choices are truly endless.
So, as an early Christmas gift, we’ve put together our schedule of when to watch every major Christmas film. We’ve taken into account how festive you’ll feel throughout the month; made sure there weren’t too many soppy, sappy offerings in a row; and even tried to account for when each film was set. You might not agree with us, but we think this is the definitive schedule of when to watch the best Christmas films, from Love Actually to The Santa Clause…
Grazia's Christmas Film Schedule

1 December: Elf
Maybe this is the basic choice for the first Christmas film of the season, but we don't think so. There is no one better to get you feeling festive than Buddy the Elf. If Will Ferrell in a green smock and yellow tights as an elf trying to get New York to remember the magic of Christmas doesn't get you feeling festive, we don't know what will. Stream now on NowTV or rent on Amazon Prime.

2 December: Last Christmas
We'll admit, it's a bit of a rogue choice for so early in the month but Last Christmas - released in 2019 - is an absolute tear-jerker so you don't want to be viewing it too close to Christmas Day. Set to the music of George Michael, starring Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding and written by Emma Thompson, Last Christmas is a classic in our eyes. Do we need to say more? Rent now on Amazon Prime.

3 December: The Grinch
This is for those who say the first week of December is too early for Christmas movies. You're a mean one, Mr Grinch... Choose from either the Jim Carey live action original (the better option in our eyes) or the 2018 animated remake starring Benedict Cumberbatch. Stream now on Amazon Prime and Netflix.

4 December: Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square
Dolly Parton is here to save Christmas (literally) as angel come to rescue a small town when a cold-hearted woman tries to sell it off. The perfect feel-good film for the first Saturday in December. Plus, once you've finished watching Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square, you can go and listen to all of her Christmas tracks. Stream now on Netflix.

5 December: The Christmas Chronicles
The Christmas Chronicles. Is there anything better than watching real-life couple Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn team up as Santa and Mrs Claus? Start with the first one, take a break to refill your hot cocoa, and then move on to the second film. Stream now on Netflix.

6 December: Noelle
Pitch Perfect's Anna Kendrick stars as Noelle Kringle, daughter of Kris Kringle, who wishes she had a more important purpose in life – like her brother, Nick, who is set to take over from their father this Christmas. When Nick crumbles like a cookie left out for Santa under the pressure, Noelle might get her chance after all. Stream now on Disney+.

7 December: Almost Christmas
Following the death of their mother, four adults return home to visit their father for Christmas. But can they set aside their problems and give their dad the nice, traditional holiday he wants? Completely ridiculous, but honestly what good Christmas film isn't? Stream now on Amazon Prime.

8 December: The Polar Express
On the night of Christmas Eve, a young boy sceptical of the existence of Santa boards a magical train called the Polar Express set for the North Pole where he finds a bell from the reins of a reindeer that can only be heard by those who truly believe. Whilst the poor CGI of The Polar Express mean you're more likely to have a giggle at the emotional moments, any Tom Hanks film is worth watching to us. Stream now on NowTV.

9 December: It's A Wonderful Life
A classic for all the right reasons, It's A Wonderful Life sees George Bailey, who has so many problems in his life he's thinking about ending it all, meet his guardian angel, Clarence, who shows George what his town would look like without all his good deeds over the years. Rent now on Amazon.

10 December: Scrooged
We're 10 days into the month, and you're still not in the Christmas spirit? C'mon, you don't want to end up like Frank Cross... A remake of A Christmas Carol starring Bill Murray as the cantankerous Frank Cross. Stream now on NowTV or rent on Amazon Prime.

11 December: Love Actually
Christmas is two weeks away and you've been making the most of the Christmas parties on offer. Reward yourself with Love Actually - you deserve it. Stream now on Amazon Prime or BritBox.

12 December: The Princess Switch
You might be taking a little breather at this point in between all your Christmas parties. If so, start with The Princess Switch, starring Vanessa Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens; follow it up with The Princess Switch: Switched Again starring Vanessa Hudgens, Vanessa Hudgens and Vanessa Hudgens; then end with The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star starring – well you get it by now. Stream now on Netflix.

13 December: A Bad Moms Christmas
Watch this movie blissfully knowing you probably won't have to deal with hundreds of other shoppers at the mall this year and can just order your presents online. Might be a little too close to home for mums though... Stream now on Amazon Prime

14 December: The Muppet Christmas Carol
The Muppets kind of freak us out, to be honest, but A Christmas Carol is a classic. Stream now on Disney+.

15 December: Miracle on 34th Street
Another absolutely Christmas must-watch, Miracle on 34th Street sees six-year-old Susan very sceptical of the existence of Santa, a trait she probably inherited from her fast-paced work-loving mother, Dorey. When placed in charge of hiring the Santa to pose with kids at Macy's, Dorey hires a mysterious man named Kris Kringle who claims to be the real Santa Claus. An absolute nostalgic treat. Stream now on Disney+

16 December: Black Christmas
We're halfway through the month and if you're growing a little bored on all the heart-warming Christmas cheer, Black Christmas is the film for you. Riley and her group of friends are preparing for a Christmas party when a masked stalker targets the girls and starts a killing spree (not very Christmassy of them), until they decide to fight back. Rent now on Amazon Prime

17 December: Christmas With The Kranks
The Krank family – usually the biggest Christmas fans around – shock everyone when they declare they aren't celebrating Christmas this year. That is, until their daughter plans a last-minute visit home and they set off on a last-minute rush to create the perfect Christmas. Stream now on Amazon Prime

18 December: Deck The Halls
Self-proclaimed Christmas expert Steve (Matthew Broderick) is used to being the most festive one in the neighbourhood – until new neighbour Buddy (Danny DeVito) moves in next door. The two try to outdo each other in decorating their houses, and chaos ensues. Fabulous family fun. Stream now on Amazon Prime or Netflix

19 December: A Christmas Prince
Less than a week to go before Christmas - we're on the home straight people! Start your day with A Christmas Prince, follow it up with A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding, and just when you don't think you can take anymore, pop on A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby. Honestly, Netflix really know how to treat us to rubbish (and therefore brilliant) Christmas films. Stream now on Netflix

20 December: Four Christmases
Starring Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn, Four Christmases is another one to watch and relate to as this cranky couple try and visit all four family Christmases in one night. Rent now on Amazon Prime

21 December: Home Alone
It's definitely, properly Christmas now - you might even have finished work for the year. Home Alone (and all its subsequent remakes and sequels) is a classic Christmas film and this is the best time to watch it. Stream now on Disney+ or rent on Amazon Prime

22 December: Jingle Jangle
Jingle Jangle is a heart-warming musical that follows legendary toymaker Jeronicus Jangle as he works with his granddaughter, Journey, to create a brand-new Christmas invention. Heartwarming for the whole family, but also a great one to sit the kids in front of whilst you wrap the last few Christmas presents. Stream now on Netflix

23 December: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
We know we keep saying this, but National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation really is a Christmas classic. Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) loves Christmas and wants to give his family the perfect holiday, but his try-hard antics might just turn everything into a disaster. Stream now on NowTV or rent on Amazon Prime

24 December: The Night Before
For the past decade, best friends Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Isaac (Seth Rogen) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) have spent Christmas Eve together on a messy night out. But as Isaac prepares to become a first-time father, the trio realises their annual tradition might be coming to a sad end. The only solution? A night full of debauchery as they search for the Nutcracka Ball, the biggest Christmas party in New York City. Perfect to come home to after your own night of partying, but equally solid as a way to live vicariously through the revellers. Stream now on Amazon Prime

25 December: The Santa Clause
The big day is finally here! Spend it watching the best Christmas film series out there, The Santa Clause starring Tim Allen. With two sequels (The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause), these are the perfect films for a lowkey Christmas Day. Stream now on Disney+ or rent on Amazon Prime

26 December: The Harry Potter Series
Right, it's Boxing Day and boy, have we saved the best for last. The entire Harry Potter franchise will keep you occupied all day when you're so stuffed from leftovers you don't think you can move_. Stream now on NowTV_

27 December: Die Hard
For those of you that don't believe that Die Hard is a Christmas film (you're wrong btw), we've waited until after the official Christmas date for you to watch the Bruce Willis action film. But just for the record, it is. Why else would there be the line 'Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho'? You don't get much more festive than that. Stream now on Disney+

28 December: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Is it a Christmas film or a Halloween film? We don't know, but Christmas has technically come and gone, so it's the perfect time to give the Tim Burton classic The Nightmare Before Christmas a watch. Stream now on Disney+

29 December: The Holiday
Bet you thought we forgot it, huh? As if! Spanning over Christmas and New Years, this is a perfect in-between film. Get ready for plenty of meet-cutes between Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. Stream now on Amazon Prime

30 December: Holidate
Sloane (Emma Roberts) and Jackson (Luke Tracey) are two singletons tired of being date-less for the holidays, so they agree to be each other's platonic 'holidates' all year long. But this is a rom-com, after all, so it's easy to see where this ends up. Stream now on Netflix

31 December: The Last Holiday
It's New Years' Eve! Congratulations, you made it through the month (and 2023). Here's your reward: the perfect feel-good end-of-year film. Georgia (Queen Latifah) has a big heart and a lot of dreams, but feels stuck in her life. When she learns she only has weeks left to live, she cashes out her savings, quits her job and flies to the glitzy Czech resort she's always dreamed of visiting. Stream now on Netflix