A Nando’s Whistleblower Has Revealed They’ve Been Using McCain’s Oven Chips This Whole Time

And tonnes of other insider info...

A Nando's Whistleblower Has Revealed They’ve Been Using McCain’s Oven Chips This Whole Time

by Georgia Aspinall |
Published on

Just as Nando’s had everyone running to their door with the new menu addition of halloumi fries, a scandal has erupted like no other. In a Watergate-esque whistleblowing scenario, a Nando’s employee has revealed all their most sacred secrets. From exclusive off-menu items to staff swapping takeaways with other fast food restaurants, the piping hot lemon and herb tea has been spilled and it is BURNING.

The most shocking revelation came in reference to those sometimes perfect, sometimes a bit shit, Nando’s chips. According to the employee, Nando’s chips are supplied by none other than beloved household over chip maker McCain… GASP SHOCK HORROR.

The employee, in an article for Leicester Murray, wrote:

‘The chips served at Nando’s are actually supplied by McCain.

‘So, you could recreate part of the Nando’s experience at home quite easily if you wanted to.’

However, making them at home might not actually be possible, if we’re inclined to believe a Nando’s spokesperson, who told Metro:

‘As per standard industry practice, some of our non-meat items are delivered frozen, such as our hugely popular chips which we developed in partnership with McCain and are exclusive to Nando’s.’


Another scandalous revelation, their chicken comes into the restaurant pre-marinated. Apparently, ‘it’s cooked in a combi oven and then stored in a hot drawer until someone orders it.’

Okay, this one is actually perplexing. Nando’s, of course, is perfectly entitled to order their chicken pre-marinated, as long as it tastes good then their free to live their best, most efficient life. However, if basically all the work is done by the time you order, why does it take so long to serve??? Am I really waiting 40 minutes for someone to get some chicken out a drawer?

Wait, it doesn’t end there. One final thing we’re mad about, or at least supremely jealous about - and these really are the things that should be enraging you on this fine Tuesday – there are secret off-menu items that staff get, including a NANDO’S BURRITO. It may only be a chicken wrap filled with spicy rice, BUT WE WANT IT. Can we start a petition to add the secret Nando’s burrito to the official menu? (Because these are also the things we should be petitioning about in the current political climate)

Honestly, this is all just too much scandal for me. Nando’s need some serious Olivia Pope-ing to come back from this, or at least to send 1000 halloumi fries to everyone personally affected by this global outrage.

Hungry? Check out our 7 easy instant noodle recipes to make an actually exciting meal...


7 Easy Instant Noodle Recipes - Grazia

Peanut Butter And Broccoli Noodles1 of 7

1. Peanut Butter And Broccoli Noodles

Two tablespoons of peanut butter go a long way. If you follow the Culinary Mama's recipe and combine your PB with some broccoli slaw (basically just some shredded broccoli), some spring onions and a splash of Sriracha (obvs), you've got yourself a yummy meal in literally 10 minutes. Or less. Depends how quick you chop...

Instant Noodle Chicken Yakisoba2 of 7

2. Instant Noodle Chicken Yakisoba

It goes without saying that you're not going to make an authentic yakisoba out of a packet of 30p broken noodles, but the recipe on Budget Bytes isn't all that far if that's what you're craving. Double check that you've got all of the condiments though because it'd be pretty guttening to get half way only to find that your housemate finished the last of the soy sauce.

Garlic Butter Super Noodles3 of 7

3. Garlic Butter Super Noodles

If you're not a fan of the soupy broth that's often associated with traditional ramen, the Half Baked Harvest's recipe promises none of that. Just lots of garlicy goodness and some soft boiled eggs for good measure.

eef Super Noodle Ramen4 of 7

4. Mongolian Beef Super Noodle Ramen

If you've got a little bit more time on your hands than your conventional instant dinner requires, Chef Savvy has a good lookin' beef noodle recipe to try. It won't take you ages (about 30 mins or so) and all you'll probably need to buy is the steak, ginger and dark brown sugar. The rest you're likely to have lying around already.

Ramen Crust Pizza5 of 7

5. Noodle Crust Pizza

Yep, we went there. Chances are you've probably seen friends tagging friends in this culinary confusion on Facebook. If you're tempted to give it a go, Serious Eats have a super straightforward recipe you can follow. Because of all the ridiculous food that's come about this year (looking at you, unicorn toast), the noodle crust pizza kind of makes the most sense.

Noodle Mac And Cheese6 of 7

6. Kind Of Mac And Cheese

Consider The Spice Kit's recipe as mac and cheese without the mac. We'll be honest, texturally it's almost definitely not going to be anywhere near your mum's famous M&C. But if you're looking for a quick and easy solution to something cheap and cheesy, this is it.

Thai Chicken Ramen7 of 7

7. Thai Chicken Ramen

Yes, the Cooking Classy Thai Chicken Ramen recipe looks delightful. And that's probably because a little bit more effort goes into creating the coconuty sauce that accompanies it. The instructions call for a specific type of instant noodle but you'll be fine grabbing your nearest pork or chicken flavoured packet.

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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