The Best Donald Trump Memes To Relieve The Tension Of His Last Few Days In Office

This rollercoaster really is the epitome of 'If you don't laugh, you'll cry'...

Donald Trump

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

Donald Trump has always been a very memeable man (petition for that to be a real word). His sheer incompetence renders him one of the easiest jokes in politics, whether it was that infamous interview with Jonathan Swan, the revelation that he only paid $750 (£583) in taxes in 2016 and 2017, or one of many, many other ludicrious things that have happened since he became President.

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to Donald Trump jokes I feel conflicted. He’s not just a town jester making ludicrous comments, he’s one of the most powerful men in the world. Not for much longer, but still, when he says something ignorant, hateful or states fiction as truth, I don’t chuckle, all I feel is terror. And if you don't believe me, look at what happened when the Capitol building in Washington was stormed - his words have power.

But it’s that terror that drives Donald Trump memes. In the same way memes about the UK lockdown gives you some light relief from that feeling of impending doom, Donald Trump memes allow for similar respite. Because, as the age old saying goes that very aptly fits 2020, if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. It’s all very generation Z.

As well as respite, Donald Trump memes serve a greater purpose. The popularity of some reminds you that we’re all in this shitshow together, and there’s nothing like universally mocking Trump to remind you that actually, a lot of people despise this man as much as you. And one more thing to remember? With Joe Biden's inauguration just around the corner, Trump won't be in power for much longer. And that in itself makes these memes 9000 times funnier. And while we're at it, have you checked out theMost Iconic Joe Biden And Barack Obama Bromance Memes Of All Time?

With that in mind, we’re collating the best Donald Trump memes and jokes circulating the internet...

The Donald Trump memes about Trump leaving The White House

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The best Donald Trump memes, just in general...


The Best Donald Trump Memes And Jokes - Grazia

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