‘It Helps Me Repower And Make Precious Memories Outside Of Hospital Walls’

We speak to one mum, who cares for her disabled son, about the importance of mass-participation sports event, the Superhero Series.

Superhero series

by Rhiannon Evans |
Updated on

The Superhero series is the UK's only disability mass participation event, set up by ex-Paralympian, Sophia Warner.

It has a mission to create fun, full-throttle mass-participation sports events where people with disabilities – the ‘Superheroes’ – call the shots and don’t have to worry about cut-off times or equipment restrictions, alongside their family and friends (sidekicks).

Speaking about the events, Sophia says: ' Not everyone who has a disability wants to be a Paralympian. I wanted to create a sporting event where people with all kinds of disabilities feel part of a strong community and, crucially, where they can feel confident they’ll be part of the majority rather than the minority.'

As the Superhero Series opens bookings for their winter series, we spoke to one 'sidekick' mum, Anna (whose son Emerson has a spinal arachnoid cyst & is paralysed from the chest down) about what the events mean to her.

Tell us about your amazing superhero son...

My superhero son is Emerson. He is an average six-year-old with not so average talents. His superpowers seem to power up when there is a ball about, anything with a ball his super energetic skills appear, and if there is ever an opportunity to wheelchair race, his Marvel designed wheels make him go super fast and furious.

This past two years have been a big challenge for our superhero Emerson both physically and emotionally, due to testing positive for Covid in March 2020, then a recent inpatient hospital stay to have high risk surgery on his spine.

But being the amazing superhero that he is, never complaining, armed with his signature smile, Emerson always puts his fears aside facing the obstacles in his life with great courage and strength during uncertain times.

His determination is magnificent, if the truth be known, he is the boss in my household, being the one who leads, by teaching me and his two siblings to never give up, to have faith and hope.

What do the Superhero Series events mean to you?

Being one of Emerson’s Super Sidekicks is one of the perks of being his mummy, carer and advocate. Each event we never miss, we get to unleash our superhero powers, dress up as superheroes and run around laughing a lot, well actually I’m usually chasing him in his speedy manual wheelchair or pulling him along on his hand trike.

What’s really inspiring is the superhero series and Emerson have given me the strength to set my own sporting challenges and goals throughout the year, which have had amazing results, helping me to successfully build up a healthier lifestyle, that in return has changed my mindset to cope with life pressures.

Why do you love taking part?

Every year, I really look forward to this eye-opening event, it has become a big part of Emerson’s journey as well as our families life.

Watching Emerson take part in such a great accessible sporting event is not only adrenaline buzzing, its also powerful, being able to connect with so many people, able-bodied and disabled, raising awareness on Emerson’s spinal cord injury, learning and educating ourselves on other people’s disability.

Each event is mind-boggling, witnessing so many people taking part, all with different disabilities caused by different diagnoses, but all with one aim - to unleash their superhero powers for the day or month, completing their sporting challenges, finding their power.

I have made some life long friendships too, sharing and supporting their journey, as well as them supporting ours...

It’s a much-needed gentle reminder for me to know we are not alone on our journey of living with a child with a disability, with a few tweaks here and there we can achieve anything.

What's your 'kryptonite'?

Parenting a child with extra needs is like a marathon with no breaks, (not that I have completed a marathon but never say never). Everyday I manage situations that a parent with an able-bodied child would imagine impossible.

Quite often, I suffer from lack of sleep due to over thinking, especially with the additional medical complications that come with a spinal cord injury or the additional responsibilities of being a parent-carer.

I have to dig down deep, teaching my mind to not worry about tomorrow, but occasionally the worry of 'what ifs' , the medical researching, the managing medical appointments, the being a nurse, a doctor, a friend, a therapist, the teacher, and reminding myself that I am just a parent often interferes with me relaxing or sleeping, I often start the day feeling tired and exhausted.

The superhero series challenges help me to re-power, re-focus with a feeling of pure determination to complete the challenges, making precious memories outside of hospital walls and a medical environment quite often giving me a purpose.

I surprise myself on how many kilometres I can clock up cycling, running and swimming with Emerson and solo. Seriously what adult-parent wouldn't like to act like a superhero every year? Once that Superhero mode kicks in, I feel alive, motivated, ready to take on the world believing I can do this, I got this, with the positive endorphins that are triggered, it makes you feel invincible.

As Emerson’s sidekick, he often likes to set me daily challenges during the events too, he would randomly think of a number and then say 'Hey mum, I think you can cycle a 50km for me today,' he gets really excited when I complete his requests, it gives him the motivation that he needs too learn that he too can achieve anything that he sets his mind to complete.

What's your superpower?

My ability to take one day at a time, living for the now, making sure each day is filled with laughter, its a much needed rule to keep my sense of humour, so dancing around the kitchen like no body is watching aka terrible mum dancing, often telling the silliest jokes is guaranteed to bring lots of smiles and laughter.

The Superhero Series WINTER WONDERWHEELS event, on December 5 at Dorney Lake, Windsor is now open - for more information, go to superheroseries.co.uk

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