This morning ‘three month halfway house lockdown’ began trending on Google. Why? Because rumours have begun circulating at the date the UK lockdown will end in 2021, and one report from The Telegraph suggests there will be a ‘three-month halfway house’ lockdown after Easter.
So, what is a three-month halfway house lockdown?
Essentially, reports suggest that government ministers are considering easing current restrictions in April but rather than go back to the tiered system we had last year, there will be a ‘halfway house’ style lockdown for 12 to 14 weeks until all over-50s have their second dose of the vaccine. This is according to ‘a source familiar with the discussions’ being had my ministers, The Telegraph writes.
Currently, there has been no official word from the government on these reports or rumours of when the UK lockdown will end. However, leaks to the press have been an ongoing problem throughout the pandemic, with major news organisations often breaking announcements on restrictions before Boris Johnson gets a chance to.
While there are no suggestions as to what a ‘halfway house’ lockdown would look like, ministers are reportedly considering reopening parts of the economy in similar ways to the summer. That would mean the rule of six would still apply and social distancing measures enforced in pubs and restaurants. Whether or not a tiered system would be in place was not discussed – however, given that various cities around the UK are vaccinating the public at different rates, it wouldn’t be surprising if cases remain different across the nation and thus rules too.
Reports also state that ministers are keen to reopen hospitality venues before the G7 summit in June. The UK hosts world leaders in Cornwall during the conference, with reports stating that the government hopes to see pubs, restaurants and tourism to begin trading before that.
Ultimately, while these report are in no way confirmed by the government, they do offer some hope after previous rumours about lockdown lasting until July 17th or September caused panic. While April still feels far off, it would be a similar timeframe to the time we spent in lockdown during the first wave of coronavirus. If The Telegraph's government sources are correct then, at least we'd know what to expect.
Of course, until the government confirms or denies the reports, we won't know for sure. But, as has happened with prior leaks, they likely will comment - or just announce it like nothing was ever even leaked - in the coming days.
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