Sarah Jayne Dunn: ‘I Never Thought My OnlyFans Account Would Get Me Sacked’

Sarah Jayne Dunn’s 25-year contract with Hollyoaks was terminated because she joined OnlyFans. Here, she tells Grazia the devastating effect it’s had...

Sarah Jayne Dunn

by Sarah Jayne Dunn |
Updated on

Earlier this month, you might have seen the news that my contract at Hollyoaks was terminated because I’d set up an OnlyFans account{ =nofollow}. While I’ve had an incredible amount of support, which I’m very grateful for, the past few days have been overwhelming and stressful. I feel like I haven’t left fight-or-flight mode.

Being sacked is not something anyone wants to add to their CV and, initially, I was worried the news could have negative implications on my acting career.

It was also a huge shock to me. When I set up the account and moved my bikini and lingerie content from Instagram to OnlyFans{ =nofollow}, I didn’t think for one moment it would compromise my career on a show I’ve starred in since 1996, joining as Mandy when I was just 14.

For those not aware, OnlyFans is a platform for over 18s. And while it was originally created for adult content, not all content on the site is explicit – it has, more recently, been used by influencers looking to connect with their audience and make some extra money. From fitness coaches to reality stars and actors, there’s a huge range of people on there – something I think the wider industry needs to recognise.

I wanted to make an OnlyFans account to take control of my image{ =nofollow}. Having content on the site means it’s copyrighted, it can’t be plastered over the internet and I have control over the shoot. It also made sense to monetise images similar to those on my Instagram (people can pay around £11 a month to subscribe for my content).

But, most importantly, I feel more comfortable uploading this content to OnlyFans than to Instagram. For starters, it feels like OnlyFans does more to combat unsolicited nude photos, also known as cyberflashing{ =nofollow}. Anyone can send a photo of their genitals to me on Instagram, which can be incredibly distressing, but on OnlyFans, images in my DMs are pixelated before they’re opened, meaning I don’t have to open any nasty pictures.

A lot of people have expressed shock that I’ve been sacked from a show that used to sell a ‘Hollyoaks’ babes’ calendar. During my time on the show, I also did shoots for lads’ mags, such as Maxim and FHM. Luckily, I was never forced to do anything I didn’t want to, but the only reason I ever did these shoots was because of my involvement with Hollyoaks. Like many others, I’ve also wondered whether this same level of scrutiny would have been directed at a male actor setting up a similar account. [A Hollyoaks spokesperson has said, ‘We take our responsibility to our young audience very seriously and therefore the show does not allow any Hollyoaks cast members to be active on certain 18+ websites. We had hoped we could reach a resolution with Sarah that would allow her to remain in her role as Mandy, but we respect her choice to continue to produce content on OnlyFans.’]

Regardless of the aftermath, I don’t have any regrets about setting up my OnlyFans and, thankfully, loads of positives have come from it. I’ve had young actresses message me, happy that I’m and standing up for myself. My friends and family, including my husband Jonathan, have also been incredibly supportive. More work opportunities have opened up and I’ve got more followers on OnlyFans, thanks to the publicity.

It is the end of a chapter, though. I’m 40 and a mum now, but I’ve played Mandy for most of my life. I don’t even know what’s going to happen to her, as I was asked to leave the show with immediate effect. I’m probably going to find out via a text from my mum, who still watches the show...

READ MORE::a[Why Shouldn't Sarah Jayne Dunn 'Rake It In' On Only Fans?]{href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'}

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