New research has found a huge surge in people seeking psychic advice during lockdown. According to the study, 80% of people are seeking psychics to help see their future in this uncertain, anxiety-ridden time.
According to Psychic World, who completed the study, there have been near 700,000 Google searches relating to finding psychic advice since lockdown began, with ‘psychic predictions coronavirus’ surging in searches by 250% in the last 90 days.
The most popular day for people seeking psychic advice was April 5th, the same a day that 621 Covid-19 related deaths were reported in the UK, one of the biggest daily increase since the outbreak began in the UK. On the same day, Professor Neil Ferguson told the BBC’s Radio 4 Today Programme that lockdown restrictions could be eased by May and five London bus workers died from Covid-19.
Surveying those that have turned to psychics during lockdown, Psychic World found that 80% of people want to see their future, 74% want love advice and 67% want job advice. It would make sense, given this was the same time people were considering quarantining with new partners and facing uncertainty at work with furlough schemes just beginning.
But with so much cynicism around physics usually, why the sudden rise in people seeking psychic advice? According to psychologist Honey Langcaster-James, it’s all about the terrifying uncertainty we all feel right now battling a new virus that even experts admit they can’t understand fully having never researched it before.
People are finding the unknowing intolerable.
'I think this can be explained by the fact that we've seen an unprecedented level of rise in anxiety and uncertainty about the future,’ she told Grazia. ‘It has given people that previously never suffered from anxiety a lot of concern about the future whether that's their health, jobs or worries about loved ones. There's been so much to worry about that I think it's understandable that some people are looking for answers and are finding the unknowing intolerable.’
‘Some people turn to psychics at times of loss because they feel a greater sense of spiritual connection when they lose someone,’ Langcaster-James continued. ‘Others might turn to psychics when they feel an overwhelming urge to have answers about what might happen in the future and seek comfort that everything is going to work out okay.’
And while there is an increased danger of exploitation for those particularly vulnerable right know, as Langcaster-James warns, she says that if seeing a psychic is having a positive benefit on your life and isn’t harming anyone, then it’s no risk to your emotional wellbeing overall.
‘This is a very personal and individual thing,’ she explains. ‘Some people find seeing psychics comforting and uplifting. Anything that helps you have a more optimistic outlook in life providing and isn’t not hurting anybody, I’m all for it.
‘The difficulty is more in thinking about why you're feeling the need to reach out in that way,’ she continues. ‘And asking, “Is there something else that would also provide you with comfort?”. It’s natural to want to turn to others for support when you're feeling anxious or uncertain, and that's a good thing if it makes you feel comforted. But perhaps talk to your nearest and dearest first about how you're feeling and that can help you to connect with the other people around you, because chances are they are also feeling anxious.’
Langcaster-James also warns that if these feelings of anxiety or uncertainty are overwhelming then it’s important to see a GP. ‘If you feel really plagued by these thoughts, if they're impacting your daily life, stopping you from sleeping or being able to work then it’s important to talk to a professional,’ she advises.
‘Because it could be that you're experiencing some form of anxiety disorder or possibly even a mood disorder and maybe becoming depressed. A lot of people have been reluctant to call their doctors about things that are non-Coronavirus related and I would urge people to be aware they can still access their doctors for concerns about their mental health and well-being.’
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