Made In Chelsea: Does James Have A Right To Be Angry At Miles For Crying About Maeva’s Proposal?

Surely we can all understand how emotional it is to see an ex get married...

James Taylor

by Georgia Aspinall |
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If there’s one thing producers on Made In Chelsea are exceptional at, it’s dragging out a love triangle for years beyond its natural lifespan. Last night, the Maeva D'Ascanio, Miles Nazaire and James Taylor situation escalated once more after James took Miles to task over his reaction to their potential engagement.

ICYMI, last week Maeva took the MIC lot on a country getaway planning a surprise proposal for James, to which he (honestly quite brutally) rejected after explaining that he wanted to be the one to propose ‘when the time is right’. The night prior to the proposal, Maeva had taken ex-boyfriend Miles aside to warn him what she was planning, and the conversation got emotional quickly (he cried, told her not to do it and asked what would happen if he told her to leave James and try again with him… she cried too but left without letting the conversation escalate).

Honestly, it was great TV, Shakespearean even – but it’s James’ reaction to that very incident that is causing debate online. He took issue with Maeva warning her ex about the proposal and decided Miles’s reaction was disrespectful, confronting him over coffee for getting emotional and accusing him of still having feelings for Maeva. To that viewers are wondering… but what’s the issue?

Sure, Maeva has a slightly controversial history dragging Miles into her relationship with James, but is it ever right to police someone’s emotions over their ex getting married? It only seems respectful that Maeva would let Miles know she was planning a proposal on their group trip, given how difficult (and with this lot, dramatic) it could get if he were surprised with that information in front of all his friends. And what does it matter if Miles cried? It is perfectly normal to feel emotional when someone you thought you might marry proves to find that happiness with someone else. Of course, telling her not to do it might’ve crossed the line slightly… but in the end wasn’t he correct in warning her it wasn’t the right time?

Ultimately, viewers have taken issue with James accusing Miles of still having feelings for Maeva despite his protestation. Because once again, what does it matter if he does? Maeva is literally proposing marriage to James – perhaps he should be more concerned about appeasing the woman he loves whom he just publicly rejected, rather than making Miles an issue where he certainly isn’t.

With next week’s trailer looking even more dramatic, this season is proving more chaotic than ever. Honestly, we’re living for it. Maeva is reality TV gold regardless of the messy men she’s surrounded by – let’s just hope they don’t diminish her hilarious vivaciousness with all their nonsense before the season ends.

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