After Donald Trump’s Final Speech As President, The ‘Fake Melania’ Conspiracies Are Stronger Than Ever

While we celebrate Donald Trump's last day as president, let's revisit the weirdest conspiracy theory of his four years in power...

Donald Trump and Melania Trump

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

Donald Trump has left the White House for the last time as president of the United States, finally. Accompanied by Melania Trump, he delivered his final speech, thanking the American people and quite bleakly promising ‘the movement we started is only just beginning’. But as well as that statement haunting viewers, they are equally confused by the presence of what once again appears to be a fake Melania Trump.

In fact, people are so sure that the woman accompanying Donald Trump is a body double of Melania, ‘fake Melania Trump’ has instantly began trending on Google as people search for clues as to whether or not the real Melania Trump really showed up today.

Alongside that there are also searches for 'where does Melania come from' - Novo Mesto, Slovenia if you're wondering - and 'Melania jacket message', a nod to the infamous moment she declared 'I don't really care, do u?' through a slogan Zara jacket.

That blasé attitude is what some use to justify why she would use a stunt double when she doesn't want to attend events with Donald Trump - and to be honest, who wouldn't want to avoid every opportunity to hold hands with that man.

You see, these 'fake melania' accusations have been thrown around for a number of years. Pictures will appear online that show a woman next to Trump who is, for all intents and purposes, Melania Trump. Except in each one, there will be something eerily different about the woman at Trumps side. The shape of her face, the wig-like hairline, even the strained smile we’ve come to know appears far too real in some pictures. Ultimately, it has people convinced that Donald Trump employs Melania Trump lookalikes to accompany him when the real Melania can’t quite be bothered to show up.

Of course, with no proof of their theories, the ‘fake Melania Trump’ conspiracy has become something of a meme over the years. Now, with their final presidential appearance done and dusted, the fake Melania memes are rolling in once more.


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