Meet Elizabeth Warren, The Woman Taking On Trump

The democrat has announced that she will be running for presidency in the 2020 elections against Donald Trump

Elizabeth Warren

by Rosa Prince |
Updated on

Last week, a divorced mum of two, who put herself through law school before entering politics, became the first woman to say she’ll run against Donald Trump in the hotly contested race to be the next US President. So, does she actually stand a chance? US political correspondent Rosa Prince reports...

It was the early ’70s and the now US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren was driving her toddler home from nursery when she smashed her VW Beetle into the car in front. Desperate to keep the child awake so she would nap only once they got home, giving Elizabeth some precious study time, she had taken her hand off the wheel to lean over and tickle the girl. Further distraction was in knowing her marriage to high-school sweetheart Jim was on the rocks – he wanted her to stay home and keep house; she was completing her law degree.

Forty-five years on, Elizabeth will need all the multitasking skills she picked up while juggling two small children, her legal studies and a dying relationship for her next challenge: running for President.

Last week, the 69-year-old became the first senior Democrat to throw her hat into the ring to take on Donald Trump in what is likely to be the most hotly contested presidential race in living memory. On the surface it seemed like a small step – she merely announced she was setting up an ‘exploratory committee’ to consider a run. But the term is Washington DC code for declaring one’s candidacy, and the news electrified Democrats desperate for a credible figure to take on the most divisive leader America has ever known.

Elizabeth certainly seems to have the qualifications to become the USA’s first ever female President. Born into a struggling Oklahoma family – her father lost his job after suffering a heart attack when she was 11 – she put herself through law school and became an academic specialising in bankruptcy. An adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, she came to national prominence after foreseeing the 2008 financial crisis.

And, as the Senator for Massachusetts, she has proved a thorn in President Trump’s side since he’s been in the White House. Politically, she’s unafraid of taking on big corporations, including Wall Street, and positions herself on the left side of the Democrat party, standing for greater worker rights and an increase in the minimum wage. As she put it in the video she used to launch her campaign: ‘Every person in America should be able to work hard, play by the same set of rules, and take care of themselves and the people they love. That’s what I’m fighting for.’

Elizabeth Warren and dog

But, while her credentials are impeccable, Elizabeth faces a tough fightto win the Democratic nomination against a host of candidates likely to include former Vice President Joe Biden; Bernie Sanders, the left-wing rebrand; and Beto O’Rourke, an exciting young Texan congressman. Many critics say that if Americans were not ready to elect a woman in Hillary Clinton in 2016, they will not warm to Elizabeth.

She also courted controversy last year over accusations she has used her claims of having Native American ancestry to advance her career. Trump described her as a ‘fake Pocahontas’ and demanded she take a DNA test, which she did – and which ‘strongly supported’ her heritage (although the ‘vast majority’ of her ancestory is European). Still, there’s a long way to go – the primaries to decide the nomination of the candidate who will run for President in 2020 do not even begin until early next year.

These days, Elizabeth has a happier home life. Six months a er she and Jim divorced, she unexpectedly met, proposed to and married fellow law professor Bruce Mann; they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary at the height of the campaign. The couple recently bought a golden retriever puppy, Bailey, who Elizabeth says ‘piddles everywhere’.

As she travels the country to persuade voters they are ready for a female President, it looks like it will be Bruce who ends up doing the toilet training.

Where Is Elizabeth Warren's Office?

Elizabeth Warren's office is based in the JFK Federal building in Boston, USA.

Is Elizabeth Warren Married?

Elizabeth Warren married Bruce Mann in 1980, a professor of Law at Harvard Law School and Legal Historian. Prior to this, she was married to Jim Warren. The couple divorced in 1978.

Who Is Elizabeth Warren Running Against For Democratic Nomination?

Amongst Elizabeth Warren's most prominent counterparts that she could be running against for Democratic nomination are Beto O'Rourke, Julian Castro, John Delanay, Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Would Elizabeth Warren Win The Presidency In 2020?

It's difficult to know yet. One area where Warren has inspired popularity is her commitment to increasing the minimum wage and dealing wealth inequality and income issues and she has confirmed that her campaign will be committed to supporting the middle class who she declared are 'under attack' from large corporations. She has been vocal in her support of #timesup and said of Brett Kavanaugh “I watched as Brett Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to that position and angry at anyone who would question him. I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position." however traditionally American voters have not leaned towards voting in a female candidate for the presidency.

Why Did Elizabeth Warren Take A DNA Test?

Elizabeth Warren took DNA profiling tests in response to being repeatedly challenged by Trump over her claim to Cherokee heritage (President Trump has repeatedly referred to Warren as 'fake Pocahontas'). Results released by Dr. Carlos Bustamante gave strong evidence that Warren has a Cherokee pedigree from around 6-10 generations ago. However the move has been met with criticism from prominent Tribal leaders and there is some concern that it damaged Warren's relationship with Native American groups.

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