The Government Is Already Gaslighting Us With Their ‘Save Christmas’ Narrative

Once again, the blame for rising coronavirus cases is being put on us - not the government that stands accused of mishandling this entire pandemic.

Boris Johnson

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

‘If we all play our part, then we can give ourselves the best possible chance in this race, get through this winter, and enjoy Christmas with our loved ones.’

This is the line health secretary Sajid Javid churned out last week in a press conference that saw the government minister warn coronavirus cases could reach 100,000 a day in winter. Stating that reinstating restrictions would be inevitable if hospitalisations continue to rise, Javid encouraged the eligible public to get booster vaccinations.

‘If not enough people get their booster jabs, if not enough of those people that were eligible for the original offer, the five million I’ve talked about, if they don’t come forward, if people don’t wear masks when they really should in a really crowded place with lots of people that they don’t normally hang out with, if they’re not washing their hands and stuff, it’s going to hit us all,’ he said.

‘And it would of course make it more likely we’re going to have more restrictions. Now we want to avoid those. We’ve set out what those restrictions might look like, we’ve set out the Plan B restrictions for example. Am I saying that if we don’t do our bit, get vaccinated, all those behavioural changes that we can make, that we are more likely to face restrictions as we head into winter? Then I am saying that.’

Essentially, he’s saying it’s on us. And of course, it is on us to do our part in preventing the risk of spreading coronavirus – but it’s also, absolutely on them. Yet once again, they’re acting like it’s not.

For 18 months now, we’ve bore witness to how badly the British government handled this pandemic with over 140,000 deaths to show for it. Delays in instigating lockdowns, vital PPE contracts sold to friends, billions wasted on ineffective test and trace services – the government made so many mistakes that there will be a public inquiry into it, which The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) is urging must be completed and published before the next election in 2024.

Despite their very public failings, ministers blamed care homes, the NHS and the British public.

Despite their very public failings, ministers blamed care homes, then the NHS and in turn, all of us. In fact, Boris Johnson most recently said that the slow rollout of the booster jab programme was due to a ‘demand issue’ – further blaming the 2million eligible members of public for not getting booster jabs sooner.

The same man that stands accused of breaking lockdown restrictions at Christmas by having Carrie Johnson’s friend Nimco Ali over – which Downing Street denies, stating Ali was part of their ‘childcare bubble’ – is once again pushing the narrative that if cases rise, it’s on us, not them.

Frankly, it’s gaslighting on a national scale. While the majority of the British public do as were told, taking precautions as necessary, the biggest propellers of this narrative like Johnson, former minister Matt Hancock and former advisor Dominic Cummings all stand accused of breaking the very rules they set. They break the rules, they make the policies that are now being investigated for their incompetency at saving lives, and yet we’re the ones being told we must ‘save Christmas’.

And what happens if there are no lockdown restrictions at Christmas, do we then get to celebrate how ‘good’ we’ve all been? Oh no, if Christmas is ‘saved’, you know damn well that the government narrative will quickly become all about Boris being the man who saved it. Their losses our all ours, but their wins theirs only.

The irony is, it shouldn’t even be about saving Christmas. It should be about saving lives. Christmas lockdown or not, we’ll be doing what needs to be done to keep our family, friends and neighbours safe – not sure we can say the same for the very men blaming us for their mistakes.

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