The Video Of Angela Rayner Raving In Ibiza Is Brilliant – She Doesn’t Deserve Backlash

It's unfair to question her dedication to public service for dancing on holiday, writes Georgia Aspinall.

Angela Rayner

by Georgia Aspinall |
Published on

Angela Rayner is facing backlash after being filmed at a nightclub in Ibiza with DJ Fisher. The deputy prime minister was recorded dancing behind the DJ booth at Hi Ibiza by TV presenter Denise Van Outen, who posted the video on Instagram with the caption ‘[Ibiza] Including a surprise booth rave up with Angela Rayner.’

While many have applauded Angela’s relatability, some have also taken to social media to condemn the politician. Denise Van Outen’s Instagram was flooded with comments about the video, so much so she’s turned them off on the post itself. However, on another post of hers, one follower commented: ‘I think that you should kindly tell your friend that our country is in bits, and she hasn’t got time for raving. Thanks.’

On Twitter, Dan Wootton said: ‘Angela Rayner has been Deputy Prime Minister for 56 days. She’s disappeared from public view as Two Tier Keir warns of doomsday coming for all of us. Yet here she is raving into the early hours at one of the most expensive party clubs in Ibiza. What an absolute piss take.’

Starmer has in fact warned of ‘painful’ days ahead as we await the Autumn Budget, but it’s worth noting that Parliament is still in recess until Monday, meaning Rayner is more than entitled to enjoy a holiday during her leave. In fact, she’s even entitled to have a dance if she wants to – shocking, we know!

The backlash is perhaps unsurprising given how intensely Angela Rayner is scrutinised for everything she does, from what she wears to how she speaks. It’s true that the British public is desperate for change, the stakes feeling higher than ever at a time of economic uncertainty and poverty levels rising. With the introduction of a new government in July, there was renewed hope. But one must ask, do we really expect our politicians to never go on holiday again even when Parliament isn’t sitting? Do we expect them to be chained to their desks, not to enjoy one singular moment outside of work?

It feels unfair to question Angela’s commitment to improving Britain purely for attending one rave. Her ascent to deputy prime minister was the culmination of nine years of dedicated service as an MP for Ashton-under-Lyne, and a much longer career of public service having worked as a care worked since graduating college. She’s been a trade union representative for more than a decade and fought long and hard to improve the most vulnerable people’s circumstances for more than a decade.

If anything, seeing a politician be able to dance and have fun – on camera at that – at an Ibiza nightclub makes her feel more relatable than ever. At a time when so many people are disillusioned by politics, rarely seeing themselves represented in positions of power in this country, it’s important.

‘Loving the right-wing comments about Angela Rayner, dancing and having fun during Parliamentary recess, on her holiday. She's normal. She's one of us. You should try it sometime,’ Sasha Lord, nighttime economy advisor for Greater Manchester tweeted.

Honestly, having a deputy prime minister who works tirelessly for the people but enjoys a casual weekend in Ibiza on her time off feels refreshing. Dance away, Angela!

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