With the general election just around the corner, it's safe to say that politics have become extremely fraught in the UK. That's why it's always comforting when someone like Andy Burnham aka the Labour Mayor of Manchester enters the headlines.
Not only do the people of Greater Manchester and beyond feel that Mayor Andy Burnham is the perfect advocate for them - as proven by the fact that last month he won a third term - but it turns out that there's a corner of the internet (quite a large one in fact) that is lusting over Andy Burnham and his eyelashes.
Who is Andy Burnham?
Cast your mind back to 2020 and the Covid lockdown, because that is when Andy Burnham officially became a celebrity crush. Yes at the time we put it down to the madness of being trapped in our houses with no one but our families to speak to, but now four years later it turns out he's still a hottie.
Born in Aintree, Andy Burnham has officially earned himself the title of King Of The North - for both his battles for justice for the 96 victims of Hillsborough and his recent work in Manchester.
And after speaking at the Housing 2024 conference in Manchester on Tuesday 25 June, Andy's name is back in the headlines and loads of people have been searching for him.
What is it about Andy Burnham that makes him so attractive?
For some, his politics and positioning on housing make him incredibly attractive, for others... well it's Andy Burnham's eyelashes...
For others, it's nearby... yes, you guessed it, people are into Andy Burnham's eyeBROWS too.
So, is Andy Burnham fit? Or could it be his fashion/style that's hot... Yes, even if it's all a bit 'high school teacher' fashion...
There's definitely 'Mums love him' vibes too going on...
Is Andy Burnham married?
It won't surprise you to know then that the most googled terms and social media mentions surround whether Andy Burnham is married, if he has a wife and if he has kids.
SO, you thirsty lot, here's your answer: yes Andy Burnham is married. He is married to Marie-France van Heel, who he met at university.
During Burnham's campaign to become Labour leader in 2015, his wife, Marie-France van Heel, talks about meeting him for the first time.
'I met him on my first day at university,' she says. 'With the long hair and the good looks... and the monobrow.'
Wanna see a picture of Andy Burnham when he was younger?

So, yes he's married, and he has three children. Here they all are when he became Mayor of Manchester in 2017.

You can see his son, Jimmy (L), wife Marie-France van Heel (2nd-L), daughter Rosie (3rd-L), and daughter Annie (4th-R).
The best Andy Burnham memes
Shortly after Andy Burnham shot to fame during lockdown, the internet did what it does best and generated a series of memes showcasing their love for Andy Burnham, and the meme creation hasn't stopped since.
What is Andy Burnham's net worth?
According to the internet, Andy is worth a reported £2million.
And what does he do with that money? Just in case you needed a reason to love him even more, it turns out that since 2017, Andy Burnham as the Mayor of Manchester has donated 15% of his salary to a local homeless charity.