Goop’s 2018 Gift List: The Most Ridiculous And Utterly Brilliant Presents Gwyneth’s Trying To Sell Us This Year

Between the ludicrous and bizarre gifts lie a few innovative present ideas we hadn't considered...

goop gift list christmas presents

by Lucy Morris |
Updated on

Goop’s Christmas gift guide is always guaranteed to make us laugh. With it and at it, I’m afraid. This year though, Gwyneth Paltrow has evidently clocked that her lifestyle brand’s holiday guide is beloved for this very reason as for 2018 she’s introduced a new sub-section called ‘Ridiculous But Awesome’, which essentially sums up the whole list.

The Goop elves have scoured the world to find the bizarre (a personal butter churner), the ludicrous (a whole Spanish village) and the surprisingly appealing (a Sriracha keychain). The latter came as a surprise. Usually we think Gwyneth is trolling us with her crystal water bottles for the price of a month’s mortgage and her luxury private jet holidays, which amount to more than most peoples pensions. But, this year, we’ve found a handful of things we wouldn’t just consider gifting but buying for ourselves. Perhaps we’re getting older or we’re more indoctrinated by Goop than ever, but that Hygge swing seems like something we could make room for in our lives. And, that Thai cookbook from LA’s cult Night + Market restaurant has already been ordered. We feel seen.

See: The Best and The Most Bizarre Gifts From Goop’s 2018 Holiday Gift Guide


Goop Gift Guide

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The Spanish Village of Lugo, £133,000

RIDICULOUSBuying a whole village to yourself? Capitalism gone mad.

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Rose Quartz Crystal Straw, £66

WANTThe backlash against straws has persuaded bars to do away with this single-use plastic paraphernalia, but that means we don't still crave away to sip without smushing our lipstick. Plus, this one comes with a crystal. Good vibes, all round.

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Cut Out Leather Knickers, £308

RIDICULOUSI have one thought about leather thongs: ouch.

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Wooden Hygge Swing, £175

WANTOK, I know a swing inside is a little ridiculous when London properties are so diminutive, but who doesn't want to up their hygge quota?

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Ouef NYC's Knit Crown For A Baby, £37

RIDICULOUSA crown for a baby. I think we need to rethink the social hierarchy at play here.

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Night + Market Cookbook, £34

WANTUntil they open a Night+Market in the UK, this is the closest we'll get to LA's cult thai restaurant.

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Enso Heartbeat Device, £96

RIDICULOUSI love my partner, but I don't need to hear their heartbeat on-the-go.

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Pink Glass Candlesticks, £84

WANTUp the ante of your next dinner party.

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Portable Bidet, £54


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Black Pyjama Suit, £257

WANTA pair of extravagant pyjamas is one of the few luxuries that's fully worth it.

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24K Gold Rolling Paper, £55

RIDICULOUSIf you can afford gold rolling paper, why aren't you smoking straights?

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Self Love Spray, £44

WANTGot to align those chakras any affordable way I can.

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Personalised Medallion, £777.67

RIDICULOUSOf course the people who still handwrite letters are the same people who need a personalised crest.

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Siracha Keychain, £6.59

WANTIf Beyonce keeps hot sauce in her handbag, I will too.

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Personalised Aston Martin, £TBC

RIDICULOUSI'm down with Nike ID customization, but is this not a step too far?

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Instax Square SQ6 Camera, £125

WANTA selfie-friendly camera is actually quite handy.

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22K Gold Ceramic Pipe, £136

RIDICULOUSFor when you want to surreptitiously smoke from a deluxe stone

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