The UK’s topsy-turvy weather means that having winter and summer wardrobes is no easy feat. Therefore, it’s important to be equipped with an effective weatherproof wardrobe at all times, which becomes even more essential with children in your life.
We’ve reassessed time spent outdoors as a total treat over the last year, as we've all been confined to our homes for most of the time. Fresh air, therefore, has become our only outlet, which is all well and good in the summer but throw snow, rain and ice into the mix and it's less appealing. And if you're taking your children to the park for what feels like the 55th time in a week, you'll want to be able to reach for childrenswear that won't leave them cold, wet and possibly in tears.
Waterproofs can be expensive, particularly since children grow out of clothes so quickly, but investing in some good outdoor gear will be worth it and doesn’t need to cost a fortune. High street retailers like Joules, H&M and Boden have some brilliant waterproof buys. Looking to invest in something you can hand down to other family members? Stella McCartney is our go-to for gorgeous clothes you wish were available in your own size.
Let’s be honest, getting your children dressed can be somewhat of a struggle, especially when all they want to do is run out into the snow. So, we’ve looked high and low for brilliant wallet-friendly, waterproof buys that you – and your kids – will love, from monster mittens to ladybird wellies, starting at £7.99.
SHOP: The Best Outdoor Clothes For Kids
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Boden, All-Weather Waterproof Trouser, £40.00
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Next, Grey Car Rainbow Handle Wellies (Younger), from £14
![Best waterproof clothes for kidsw](
Zara, rubberised coat, £22.99
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Sketchers, Snow slope boots, WAS £49, NOW £29.40
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Jojo Mama Bebe, Waterproof hat, £15
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Joules, Baby 3D Welly Print, £21.95
![Best waterproof clothes for kids]('%20WATERPROOF%20DINOSAUR%20JACKET%20%20%C2%A339.00.jpg?auto=format&w=1440&q=80)
Jojo Mama Bebe, waterproof jacket, £39
![Best waterproof clothes for kids]('%20Nylon%20Ski%20Mittens%203D.jpg?auto=format&w=1440&q=80)
Barts, Nylon Ski Mittens 3D, £19.99
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Kuling, Cookie Leopard San Marino Recycled Rain Set, £43.00
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Little Hotdog Watson, Club hat, WAS £26, NOW £21
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Stella McCartney, Weather Paint Puffer All In One, £138
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
H&M, Water-repellent bootees, £7.99
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Boden, Ladybird Wellies - Rockabilly Red, £25
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
M&S, Stormwear™ Padded Floral Print Coat, WAS £16, NOW £8.75
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Boden, Rainbow 3-In-1 Printed Jacket, £45.00
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Zara, Rubberised coat, £22.99
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](
Kuling, Pink Flower Vilnius Recycled Rain Mittens, £14.00
![Best waterproof clothes for kids](