It's getting to that time of year when you can't leave the house without a hat, scarf and gloves unless you want to feel like an icicle on your commute. The scarf and gloves aren't controversial accessories, but what if you've never considered yourself a hat person? A beanie might feel a bit too hipster, a beret a bit faux-Parisian, but what about a baker boy hat?
No might be the response that initially springs to mind. But you'll find it's particularly topical at the moment because of Love Actually. Not only is it the one film everyone wants to watch in the build up to Christmas, but the iconic rom com is also celebrating its 20th anniversary with a nationwide cinema re-release on 24 November. If you're looking to dress to the theme for a collective walk down memory lane with friends, you've got plenty of options. You could cosplay as the nativity play lobster (or the paper mache octopus, come to think of it). You could carry a pair of drumsticks and go as Sam. Or, for something equally lo-fi and pretty damn stylish, you could simply wear a baker boy hat like Keira Knightley.

The actor gave the baker boy hat accidental icon status in the scene where she realises that her husband's best friend is hopelessly in love with her. (She's watching the wedding video he's filmed when she realises it's only shots of her. Awkward.) I say 'accidental' because the only reason she wore the hat in the first place was apparently because she had a spot on her forehead.
Suddenly, a baker boy hat is seeming like a very good idea, isn't it? It's also been seen on the oh-so-chic streets of Paris, where street-stylers have been wearing theirs with leather jackets and thigh-high boots for a practical yet playful take on autumn dressing.
For a fully immersive approach to Y2K - Love Actually came out in 2003, after all - you could even opt for a baby tee and a low-slung pair of parachute pants. All together now, 'I look quite pretty, don't I?'