They say fashion is cyclical and the current preoccupation with all things '90s certainly corroborates such a theory. Aside from the perennial obsession with the cast ofFriends, there are many '90s trends which have re-emerged in the past few seasons. Zara seems to have taken this to a whole new level, creating a pair of shoes that I couldn't help but wonder if I'd seen before.
Seen them I had, albeit in a slightly different form. As I racked my brain to consider whether they seemed so familiar because they actually exist in my own wardrobe, it suddenly dawned on me that they belong in my fantasy wardrobe instead, otherwise known as Everything Worn by Carrie Bradshaw inSex and the City (well, almost everything. I could take or leave... actually, no – there's no time).

I had to cast my mind all the way back to series one where, in episode five, Carrie bumps into her glamorous Italian friend Amalita, whose 'job' seems to be going on holiday, picking up rich men and subsequently discussing the size of their genitals to passing acquaintances in Dolce and Gabbana. I digress. For it was there, in Dolce, where these shoes appeared.
In a very realistic plot twist, Carrie tries said shoes – a pair of silver heels, adorned with lilac feathers – tries to buy them, her credit card is rejected and then Amalita swoops in and buys them for her. Of course she does. But the good news is, Zara is currently selling some very similar pairs, both of which are significantly more affordable, so you don't even need a mysterious European socialite to buy them for you.

There are some heels with feather detail, available in light grey or black, with square toes and criss-cross straps. Or, there are some kitten-heeled mules, available in blue or neon green.
There's something about feathers that just makes one want to party, which makes them the perfect accoutrement for the moment, just as we all rediscover the joy of going out-out again. Or even just going out for dinner, for which feathers are still entirely acceptable.

A word of warning: these shoes are selling quickly. Whether or not that's because another crazed fan has noticed their connection to Sex and the City is anybody's guess. Perhaps it's simply because fashion is cyclical. See what I did there?
BUY: Zara's Feather Heels

Zara, High Heel Strappy Sandals with Feather Detail, £89.99

Zara, Green Kitten Heel Feather Mules, £89.99

Zara, Black Strappy Sandals with Feather Detail, £89.99

Zara, Blue Kitten Heel Mules with Feathers, £89.99
READ MORE: Sex And The City’s Best Shoe Moments, From Proposals To Catwalk Debuts
READ MORE: Jennifer Aniston's '90s Style Is A Joy To Look At – And Here's Where You Can Get The Look, Too