It would be easy to feel despair over the newly-introduced Covid restrictions, announced today and expected to be in place for six months. But one look at Katie Holmes might just lift your spirits, for once again, she has invented the perfect outfit. First came Khaite's cashmere cardigan and bra, a combination that provoked internet-wide discussion. But those were simpler times, when we roamed the streets with gay abandon and didn't have a pandemic to worry about. Will such a thing stop Katie Holmes in her pursuit of sartorial perfection? Given her recent choice of outfit, I would suggest the answer to that very pressing question is a firm no.

There she was again on the streets of New York, only this time she had a new boyfriend (Emilio Vitolo Jr) and a face mask to go with her outfit of plain white T-shirt, checked blazer, Mango joggers, socks and plimsolls. So what? I hear you cry. Well, not only has Holmes just demonstrated exactly what pandemic-dressing should look like, we can also all buy the very best bit of her look (those knitted trews) for £35.99.
Maybe you have endless Zoom calls and need to look smart from the waist-up while maintaining high levels of comfort; perhaps you're running around after children and want to replicate the ease of pyjamas while also looking put-together; or it could be that you're just sick of jeans and leggings – either way, Holmes' outfit is a beacon of inspiration for us all.
SHOP: Katie Holmes' Mango Joggers