Since Alessandro Michele took over at the helm of Gucci at the start of 2015, the brand has been unstoppable. Their next step in global domination? The launch of a new project called Gucci Places.
The new iniative will see locations around the world that have inspired Michele and the Italian fashion house named as 'Gucci Places'. Gucci fans can then 'check in' to these destinations
via the mobile app to access exclusive content and even win Gucci goodies.

The first place to be unveiled is right here in Britian - Chastworth House in Debryshire. The lavish stately home is a perfect fit considering it is currently supporting an extensive exhibition of clothing and memorabilia entitled House Style, curated by Hamish Bowles, American Vogue’s International Editor-at-Large. Chatsworth was also the location of the Gucci Cruise 2017 advertising campaign, which featured British actress Vanessa Redgrave.

Gucci will create a dedicated badge for each place alongside a special collection of pieces.
The first collection, the Gucci Places Chatsworth collaboration, will be on sale at the Chatsworth store, and Gucci’s Sloane Street store in London, from mid-July.

Over time the brand will add more and more destinations to their roster with the aim to create a network of of locations all connected to Gucci.
Watch this space...
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