Bella Hadid is on a ‘90s style hype/in a time warp this year, but she isn’t just riffing on reto sportswear or Clueless-esque minis so synonymous with the decade, she’s tapping into the fashion of an unlikely style hero. We've been drawing parallels betwee Bella and the fictional character Enid from the cult teen movie Ghost World.
Terry Zwigoff’s’s Ghost World (2001) was the gateway film for gawky movies about socially outcast teens, and Thora Birch’s character Enid is the personification of teenage angst and awkwardness. Along with her best friend Rebecca (played by Scarlett Johansson) she is brimming with ennui, dry wit and monotone cynicism. She represents that universally-known reluctant transition from teenager into young woman, and her unapologetically kitsch-y style mirrors that internal battle with those contradictions.
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Ghost Town may not have fashion status like other '90s films with a cult following (aka Clueless), but Enid's quirky and grungy styling has and will continue to inspire trends and films to come. As the quote by Scarlett Johansson's character goes: ‘it's so bad it’s almost good,’ and this can aptly describe Enid's style.
Fast forward to 2017, and it seems Bella Hadid - who is practically ubiquitous, overwhelming stylish and certainly cannot be considered a social outcast - is getting style cues from Enid. Whether deliberately or not is left up to the imagination. Let’s break it down, piece by piece.

It’s got to start with the hair. Bella went for the chop earlier this year and in doing so made a case for the blunt-bob. She then styled it with barrette hair clips, just like we used to when we were 5-years-old, and just like Enid does.

Oversized, bold, cartoonish t-shirts aren't exclusive to Enid, but once you see her iconic blue/yellow/orange 'Raptor' tee in Bella's wardorbe you can't unsee it. What's more, Bella wears a lot of plaid and check prints, just like Enid.

Similarly, Enid’s character is not seen without her thick-framed glasses, whether rectangular or cat-eye in shape, and Bella is seldom seen not rocking some specs of her own.

Lastly (and perhaps a little tenuously), there are similarities in footwear: Enid wears chunky military boots with her plaid skirt in Ghost Town, and Bella has begun to team pretty, feminine pieces with Dr. Martens for a grungy twist.

Move over, Cher Horowitz. We're hailing Enid as the ultimate unlikely style hero who is about to have her moment in the sartorial spotlight.
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