Tessa Thompson On Skincare, Protest And Sparking Joy With Marie Kondo

Before she headed Down Under with Rita Ora and Taika Waititi, Tessa Thompson talked Grazia through her evening routine...

Tessa Thompson

by Hanna Flint |
Published on

Tessa Thompson, 37

The Marvel star on Marie Kondo and weightlifting her dog

I was born and raised in LA and I am really lucky that my whole family is here, because a lot of people have been separated from their families during this time. Mine are really the only people that I’ve seen, and this is the most time I've spent in LA in a long time, as I'm often travelling for work.

I've learned for the first time how I like to live in a space as an adult. My profession can be really transitory: I've spent swathes of time living out of a suitcase, and I bought my first house at the end of last year. This year has helped me understand what's absolutely essential: I just need a good bathtub and a good stove.

I've done a lot of Marie Kondo-ing which has been useful: I did a lot of spring cleaning outside of the spring. But I have officially become an adult, because I used to just want to buy clothes and shoes and now I think about household things, like finding the perfect pasta bowls.

Making a martini for a friend at home has always felt like the height of sophistication. I love that era of Americana where people had their home bars to entertain. My grandparents were of that era, and I hear stories about them being the best entertainers on the block at our family home, so that's why I've always had this idea of being able to make a perfect cocktail and entertain guests. But I have some work to do! Making myself an Absolut Martini and then going on a call with a friend is not the same as being able to go to a bar, but it’s an act of love to invest time in a safe way.

There have been so many incredible things to watch this year. I've been winding down with incredible documentaries like Time, or an episode of I May Destroy You.

The Great British Bake Off has been my saviour: it’s been a comfort zone watching things like that. I wish I could say that I was good at baking. I have an affinity for it but I'm not as precise as I think good baking requires, I’ve become fond of zucchini bread, and I've been making tonnes of soup as the weather's gotten colder. Cooking has been something that's really kept me sane.

At the onset of the pandemic, I bought some exercise things. Some are definitely a little dustier than others, like an exercise bike that hasn't gotten much love. I think necessity is the mother of invention and I'm really inspired by the people online that have really figured out a workout routine. Mine is a bit more haphazard but I do try to do something physical every day. I’ll run, and try to meditate. My dog really enjoys it when I do yoga, and recently I decided I would use him as a weight: sometimes I just do reps with him.

This summer, I took to the streets. Political change is always preceded by cultural change and I spent a lot of time protesting and speaking with various organisations about what we could do in such a time of reckoning. I’ve learned from my younger brother the ways in which he and his generation are using social media to build community. It's been really inspiring to watch Gen Z, in particular, wanting to have conversations into really interrogating systems and trying to spark change. I actually feel really hopeful and really heartened.

I drink water out of boredom, and it has done wonders for my skin. The mask game is difficult and I've definitely had some issues with my skin from wearing them. But it's also been a fun time to experiment with at-home remedies using stuff that's available, like a face mask with yoghurt and turmeric and honey.

Tessa is one of the faces of Absolut’s ‘It’s In Our Spirit’ campaign - bringing progressive voices together to have meaningful conversation to spark change.

A version of this interview appeared in the print edition of Grazia in January 2021.

How old is Tessa Thompson?

Tessa Thompson is 37.

What has Tessa Thompson been in?

Tessa is best known for playing Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame. She also starred in Sylvie's Game, Creed and Creed 2, Men In Black: International, TV hit Westworld and 2014's cult hit Dear White People.

Who is Tessa Thompson dating?

Tessa hit headlines in May of 2021 after pictures of her looking very friendly with Thor director Taika Waititi and singer Rita Ora were released. She was photographed with another man a day later.

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