What On Earth Is Going On With Julia Fox And Madonna?

There is an explanation for this random celebrity friendship.

madonna Julia Fox

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

The woman of the moment is hanging out with the most famous woman in the world. Yep, Julia Fox - the new girlfriend of Kanye West - and Madonna were out together last night, casually going for dinner with boxer Floyd Mayweather and American football player Antonio Brown, along with Kanye{ =nofollow}, at Delilah in West Hollywood.

But the seemingly random showbiz gathering appears to have been a neat business move by Madonna, so she could talk about her biopic with Julia{ =nofollow}. ‘Went to dinner with Julia to talk about my movie and some other folks showed up…’ Madonna captioned the pics on Instagram, with Julia reposting a pic of her and Madonna with the caption: 'Mother'. There's also another video which has been shared by actor and musician Evan Ross, which shows the group listening to music together, with Julia and Kanye looking very cosy.

Over lockdown Madonna has been working on the script for the upcoming film, which she is set to produce and direct. In October, she said that 'writing [the] script [was] the most draining, challenging experience I’ve ever had'.

'It’s kind of like psychotherapy in a way, because I have to remember every detail from my childhood till now,' she said, speaking to Rolling Stone.

After meeting on New Year's Eve, Julia and Kanye have had a whirlwind romance of sorts, with Julia revealing that Kanye gifted her a whole new wardrobe on their second date. (Very reminiscent of how Kanye used to dress his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian.) ‘It was every girl's dream come true,’ Julia wrote in Interview.‘It felt like a real Cinderella moment.’

If Julia does take the role of M in the film, it wouldn't be her first time on the big screen - the actress' breakout role was alongside Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems, which she was nominated for the Breakthrough Actor Award at the 2019 Gotham Awards.

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