Besides queen of our hearts Maura Higgins, if there’s one stand out star of Love Island, then it’s the narrator: Iain Stirling. Always there to call for ‘help of a professional… ballroom dancer’, the comedian is quick with scathing (and v. observant) comments about the islanders. Last night, he made his best joke yet, when when he branded Danny - who has been responsible for both Yewande and Arabella being booted out the villa - a travel agent, saying, ‘back in the villa, Jourdan’s chatting to Danny, or as I like to call him, the travel agent because when people hang around him, they always wind up heading to the airport.’
As so many people headed online to react, it garnered such a reaction that Twitter even made it a moment, curating a collection of Tweets laughing at the joke. But the website simply called Iain the ‘Love Island voiceover’ - which seems like full credit isn’t being given, considering that, most of the time, Iain carries the entire series on his back. And it didn’t go unnoticed either, as someone chimed in, ‘I did not spend my entire childhood watching Iain Stirling for him to be called “Love Island voiceover”.’ (For some of us, our love of Iain is almost ingrained, as he started off his career as a children’s presenter on CBBC.)

But this series, perhaps our favourite jokes are to do with the dad of the villa: Curtis. If you’ve been watching (at all), then you’ll know that whenever there’s an upset, the dancer is there to dish out his motivational advice first. Like a siren, you know it’s about to happen when Iain shrieks, ‘Call the help of a professional… ballroom dancer.’ (Not everyone finds it as funny, but whatever.) And again, last night, he also made another jab at Curtis’ head being turned by Jourdan. ‘What’s that Curtis,’ he asked, making a reference to his time on Dancing With The Stars. ‘A dancer thinking about changing their partner in the middle of a show? Very unprofessional darling.'
With the cast constantly changing - hello, Casa Amor! - it’s a good job Iain is always there, making us laugh.
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