Q: Apart from being bloody brilliant TV shows and being the brainchild of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, what do Fleabag and Killing Eve have in common? A: Actress Fiona Shaw - because as viewers of last night’s Fleabag will have noticed, Killing Eve’s head of the Russia Desk at MI6 took on a job switch, becoming Fleabag’s therapist when she finally takes her dad’s advice (and birthday present) and seeks counselling. And it was absolutely sensational.
Unsurprisingly, the scene is hilarious anyway, as it becomes evident that Fleabag – who reveals that she is abstaining from sex – really, really fancies the ‘hot priest’ Andrew Scott (and, to be honest, it is the most exciting romance to ever grace the small screen.) When asked why she had decided to book a session on her dad’s advice, Fleabag pretty much summed up the entire series when she quipped: “Because my mother died, and he can’t talk about it. And my sister and I didn’t speak for a year, because she thinks I tried to sleep with her husband. And because I spent most of my adult life using sex to deflect from the screaming void inside my empty heart.” (Cut to camera: “I’m good at this.”)

But with Fiona’s addition, fans of both shows went into overdrive. “I wouldn’t be entirely disappointed if Fiona Shaw appeared in every TV show I watch from now on,” one viewer stated. Meanwhile, another admirer enthused: “How do you make Fleabag even better? Add some Fiona Shaw. That therapy scene encapsulated the whole show: funny, shocking and heart-wrenching.” Many others noted just how amazing both actresses are, especially as a duo. Another mentioned how the episode featured not one, but two brilliant Irish actors: Fiona Shaw and Andrew Scott.
And now, with the next series of Killing Evedropping next month, we’re just crossing our fingers for a Fleabag crossover, too.