When aren'tthe Kardashians{
Anyway, the big news this week is that a bikini photo was taken of Khloé Kardashian - one which became news as her, and her team, desperately wanted the photo removed from the internet. Fair enough. In the 'leaked' picture, Khloé looks radiant, happy and relaxed - she has even called the pic 'beautiful' (which it is) - but it's undeniably a world away from her usual filtered and posed pictures.
In a lengthy statement to Instagram, posted alongside some 'unphotoshopped' videos of her body, Khloé explained why her legal team had reportedly been trying to get the pic removed, saying she had 'every right' to try and get it wiped from the internet. 'In truth, the pressure, constant ridicule and judgement my entire life to be perfect and to meet other's standards of how I should look has been too much to bear,' she added. ""Khloe is the fat sister,"' she continued. '"Khloe is the ugly sister." "Her dad must not be her real dad because she looks so different." '"The only way she could have lost that weight must have been from surgery." Should I go on?'
But many websites have taken this natural pic of Khloé as opportunity to dredge up their favourite 'This Is However Many Times The Kardashians Have Made Photoshop Mistakes' articles, pointing out when backgrounds have looked wonky, body parts look like they have gone missing or look too big/too small. It feels cruel, and meaner still, given Khloé's statement, that these are being updated.
Yes, we all know the Kardashians use photo editing apps - like many of us - and the family are definitely contributors to how many people use apps like FaceTune daily. And it also feels like the sisters are probably trapped in a cycle, where they feel like they now can't post anything less than perfect. But you don't have to laugh at them to ask valid questions about whether celebrities - with huge platforms - should be allowed to use photoshop on social media.
READ MORE: There's Nothing Wrong With That 'Unedited' Khloé Kardashian Bikini Photo