All The Times We Related To Kanye’s Twitter Book

From the mood of our 16-year-old selves to the excuses we'll definitely be using from now on...

Kanye Hero

by Georgia Aspinall |
Published on

By now, you have most likely heard of Kanye’s return to Twitter. No, it’s not your typical celebrity break from social media only to return with - SHOCK - a new album to sell. Kanye took 11 months off, only to return on Monday with something he’s not hoping to sell (and probably won’t anyway): a real-time book written in a series of tweets. Yes, Kanye’s latest Twitter stream of consciousness is actually his ‘book’- his use of parenthesis- that he says he will work on when he feels like it (a constant mood).

Essentially, it’s the most Kanye thing to do ever. And as everyone scrolls through his endless bouts of both advice and self-realisations confused and concerned, we’re scrolling alongside honestly relating. I know what you're thinking, how can a financially devoid millennial from Liverpool relate to Kanye West? Well, I may be stretching here, but I find A LOT of what he says is either me at 16 or what I wish I could express in various situations.

Small disclaimer, I am very firmly in the pro-Kanye camp, apart from when he does something ridiculously offensive. Personally, I find that a lot of what he says is quite forward-thinking, and where I cannot understand him (which is a lot of the time) I assume that his vastly different life experiences to mine have in some way informed his new opinions.

Think about it, he’s had access to a world we could NEVER know or understand, he has seen more about the way people with the greatest power in the world operate than we ever will- this is enough for me to trust he knows more about whatever he’s spouting than I do. Plus, I just kind of find him harmless, if he wants to believe he’s Steve Jobs, let him believe it. HE’S NOT HURTING ANYONE. Can you tell I’m really holding a torch for the fact he wrote the soundtrack to my entire teen years yet?

It’s this pro-Kanye mindset that meant as I scrolled through his new ‘book’, I found a lot of it was either highly illuminating, on-brand to my personal aesthetic of positive vibes only, or has some vague link to how I feel on a day-to day basis.

Take this tweet, on the surface it’s what my dad would describe as ‘hippie bullshit’, YET it’s actually so true.

Kanye West

The stress that we place on financial and career success as giving your life meaning is so shallow, in reality we all know that our relationships and experiences outside work are what we often find the most meaning in.

Those who are chasing money and power, are they really happy? No, as we have learnt from Scandal, Empire, pretty much every TV show ever, money rarely leads to happiness. Yet, people who crave that are more likely to pursue it further to prove their peers who are happy earning less but having more fun wrong. Do they? No.


THE MESSAGE OF EVERY TEEN MOVIE EVER. And honestly, so apt for the current political climate. Are you a Donald Trump or a Jonathon Van Ness? One is quite clearly hugely insecure and informs his decisions based on a need to impress others and reaffirm his masculinity, the other is endlessly positive, secure and self-aware and spends his life educating, advising and uplifting others. I wonder if Kanye would enjoy this personification of his enlightenments.


Considering almost all of us sign away our intellectual property rights when we sign onto a new job, this is one piece advice I had to scroll past. The contract has been signed Kanye, there’s nothing I can do now.


I mean, the mood of all of us at 16 after having an argument with your mum and throwing yourself on your bed dramatically. I’m surprised I didn’t throw out all my teddies and cut my hair like I was in a teen movie.


The perfect excuse post-one night stand when you really can’t be bothered to pretend you’re ever going to talk to this person again.


Is there ever a better description of Sunday night thoughts when you’re still drunk wondering if you should go to work in the morning. Or half way through 10 minutes on the treadmill deciding that Instagram fitness guru you love is actually stupid as shit.


When you hold the door open at work once and wait for all the good karma to come your way.


If I can use this as an argument to tell people to ‘fuck off’ on the phone in work and scream in the middle of brunch with my mum I’m on board with this.


More aptly described as ‘shower thoughts’ for those of us that have real jobs


Me re-wearing an outfit from 2014 and adding a choker.


Does this mean the contracts we signed for our jobs are actually okay? Thank god. I was about to call my lawyer so I could start that podcast I’ve said I will every week since the year began.


I’ll cite this in a meeting with my boss when I’m called in for wearing pajamas every day to work, I’M JUST BEING AUTHENTIC OKAY. THIS IS MY TRUTH AND I WILL LIVE IT.

Honestly, I'm going to start living my life by Kanye's rules, although I am vaguely concerned that I pretty much already do...

Click through to see all the pictures of Kanye smiling...


Kanye West actually smiling

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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