John Legend Tried To Break Up With Chrissy Teigen – And She Wasn’t Having It

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

by Katie Rosseinsky |
Published on

Ah, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. Has an A-list couple ever appeared more in love, or more lovable? If it was a former schoolmate or work acquaintance that was all over our social media feed with their endless romantic anecdotes and PDAs, we’d screenshot the evidence, caption with the eye roll emoji and send on to one of several WhatsApp groups filled with similarly cold-hearted friends. But when it’s this particular celebrity couple, we’re willing to suspend all cynicism and embrace Hollywood’s best – and most relatable – love story (he bought her a Parmesan wheel for Christmas. Need we elaborate further?)

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In a new interview with the Guardian, John has shed more light upon their early days as a couple. Meeting on the set of John’s music video for ‘Stereo’ back in 2007, the pair immediately hit it off and have been together ever since – bar, as John explains, one brief attempt at breaking up that barely lasted half an hour.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend at the 2017 Tonys ©Getty Images

‘I was really stressed and busy,’ he told the newspaper. ‘I was like: “I’d just be happier single right now,” and she was like “No.” Given that they have been (very) happily married since 2013 and now share an adorable daughter, one-year-old Luna, it seems that Chrissy clearly knew what was best for her and her then-boyfriend.

Reacting to the story on Twitter, Chrissy tweeted a link with the comment '11 years later baby,’ following up by elucidating her husband’s comments on the brief ‘break-up.’

‘It wasn’t a typical breakup’ she wrote. ‘He was on tour and his voice hurt and he was being a whiny face about everything and so yeah, I was like “No.”

Speaking about how his wife makes him a better person in the same interview, the singer revealed: ‘She pushes me to be funnier. Not because she’s trying to, I think it’s just being around her. And to be bolder.’

Don’t mind us, we’re just sobbing into our Parmesan wheel…

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